Chapter Two

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Shimmerkit pants as she reaches the battle field she doesn't hear yowling like she should be ,but faint hissing noises. She tenses and stops in a bush and whatches with horror. The battle feild was covered with fur and blood with many cats wounded. Only Skystar and Pinestar where left standing. She could hear there conversation light.Where was Wintersnow?! She looks around desprate wanting to turn and run as her eyes laid on her limp body, covered with scars and a bleeding leg. Her white fur almost all red. She didn't know what to do. If she turned back she could get into more trouble, but if she didn't her leader and friends could die. Panicing she strained her ears, her heart pounding more than ever.

Skystar growled her ear bleeding," We didn't hunt on your territory! You know we hunt squirrels and mice! You hunt rabbits and voles! Don't accuse us!" Her tail twitched as Salmontooth rose weakly to his feet and padded beside his leader blinking the unconsiousness from his eyes.

Pinestar growled," Then who was it? You are the only clan no cat trusts anyway! Did you..." He was cut off by Salmontooth.

" Don't you DARE accuse us of stealing your prey when you might have a dog or badger on your territroy!" Salmontooth bristles and snarls as Skystar holds Pinestar's gaze.

" You better hope you turn back or we'll start a fight, again!" She hisses holding her head high. She keeps her claws untheashed.

The battle feild goes silent and more hisses and snarls are heard behind Shimmerkit. She started to move towards Leafclan's border to really find out who ws stealing prey. There really was no need to fight when a leader blames another for common reason. Maybe Pinestar is getting to old.

She reaches the border and steps across running as swift as possible. She looks back to see if anyone was following her and looks forward again noding. No one had followed her or noticed she was gone, but Shimmerkit was pretty sure Bloodscar noticed . She sighed knowing what trouble this would get her but she felt light hearted running through the forest! Running towards the scent of freshkill she saw two freshly hunted rabbits. She padded towards it aware the danger can be around anywhere. She scents an unusual scent . Something she hadn't smelt for a while. She looks around and feels something whatching her. She slowly backs away claws untheashed as she looks around and hears a very faint voice in the wind; Whatch for the intruder dressed in orange and white.


She looks around scared and sees two beaty eyes staring right at her. She yowls and breaks into a run towards the fight and glances behind her to see the fox on her heals and yowls. She sees the fight but feels a sharp pain in her tail then in the leg. She growls as it pulled her back and she had to run the other way. Which she did. Running towards Leafclan camp she dodges pine trees then she finally sees the camp but the fox got closer. It was right with her as it bit her neck almost clamping it shut. Yowling in pain she glanced behind her to see two warriors take on the fox . She sighs and starts padding towards the camp. It was the only thing she could do to help herself.

Shimmerkit got through the camp entrance as the two gaurds had gone and she passed out in the entrance. She heards yowls as a cat came over her and picked her up by the scruff lightly. She had brung her to a den and put her in a moss bed with cats sitting outside the cave den. She heard the cat call to her but she couldn't hear right. Her vision has clouded as well. Am I in Starclan?

Shimmerkit finally understood what she said," Can you lick theese? There poppy seeds ,it will help with pain." The orange cat was right, she couldn't even breath without hurting her self, nor could she breath well. Shimmerkit licked the poppy seeds and winced, they didn't taste very good. She heard a cat barge in and she didn't know where she was . Trying to get up and get out not knowing if they were going to hurt her or not. She almost reached the entrance when the small tom cat ,whom looked like a apprentice, picked her up lightly and set her back on the den.

" Hey!" Shimmerkit rasped, it had hurt to talk." I want out! You are going to hurt me!" She looks around scared. The two cats glanced at each other and the orange she cat smiled.

" We aren't going to hurt you, you are already in so much pain. Just please, sit down" The orange she cat had said it as she were a mother.

The smaller cat said teasingly," What was a kit doing out there alone? Thought you could face the world all by yourself? Gosh, we can't all be that mouse brained."

Shimmerkit growled . At least I won't be training to feed herbs to sick cats all the time! She glances at the orange she cat and she sighed shaking her head as she had gotten more herbs. Shimmerkit looked at them. Blazepool chewed comfrey and some golden rod into a poultice. She applied them to her wounds and started using cob webs on the other wounds to stop the bleeding.

Shimmerkit felt pain where the poultice had been and winced. Her pain in her leg was to unbearable. She looked at the orange cat guessing she was the Medicine cat and she asked," Why does my leg hurt so much?"

The orange she cat inspected it as Shimmerkit moaned when she touched it and she sighed ," You have a broken leg little one."

The tom smirked in the corner as her gathered herbs ," My first broken leg ! Sweet! Don't worry this won't hurt a bit!" He smiled as he padded beside the orange she cat.

She snapped ," Lakepaw, if you don't be nice to her your not going to be apart of this!"

Lakepaw whined," But Blazepool! She is a kit, and she went out into the forest for who know why! She is going to be in trouble anyway!"

Blazepool sighed as she replied back sharply," Then lets not be to hard on her. After all , she is a kit with a broken leg."

She sighed as she drifted into sleep as Blazepool and Lakepaw came over and started to work on her leg. Am I ever going to go home?

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