Chapter Four

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Shimmerkit sighs, in her nest in the Medicine Den. All she ever smelt where the scents of the dew on the leaves on trees and the herbs in neat piles in the corner of the den . She sees Blazepool asleep , so she heads to the entrance to the den. She sees almost everyone asleep, but the camp guards where wide awake. She heads out , limping slowly, and looks around for some holes in the brambles protecting camp. Looking for some she found one just kit-sized for her. She steps out of the den and starts limping towards it when she heard Blazepool wake up . Growling low she limped , trying to go as fast as she could without getting hurt, back into the Medicine den again and slided in her nest pulling the best of her acting skills. She starts to slow her breath and close her eyes. When Blazepool came out she pulled a fake yawn and tried to make her eye lids heavy when she looked at Blazepool.

Blazepool yawns ," Morning Shimmerkit, at moon high  i'll escort you home. That leg is not ready, although we can manage, but what ever Pinestar says." Shrugs as she looks at the entrance sees Blackwater in the entrance dropping of a rabbit.

" Morning you two. I thought I thought you might need something to eat." Blazepool sighed.

   " Did Pinestar put you up to this?"


  " Then we don't need to be checked on, thanks." She turned around and started organizing her herb piles.

  Blackwater flattened his ears ," Im just checking." He stalked away into the Leader's den.

  Blazepool rolled her eyes then called for Lakepaw. He came in and looked at Blazepool . " Can you get some more cat mint? We are starting to run out. Oh , and have a warrior come with you I have to stay here and take care of her leg." He nods and pads away calling for Fernclaw. Blazepool looks at her. " It was Shimmerkit right? Littleshine has told me a lot about you, among other things." She started to grabed some comefrey and started to wrap her leg. She wanted to yowl as she tried to move it but she closed her eyes trying to ignore the pain.

  Why did Lakepaw look so down? He looked sorry. He didn't glare at me like he always did. It looks like someone put him straight. Well, at least he didn't be mean to me anymore.

  In not time she forgot all about her leg and let her mind travel. She started to think about her mother and wasn't sure who she was or looked like. She sort of looked like Wintersnow but with more color in her fur. She flicked her ear thinking trying to think about who her mother looked like the most, but all she could think about was her sweet last words she had said to her when she was little." Never forget your past, it can help figure out you future. Think about the present, what you plan becomes your destiny. Look for your future, plan how to solve and figure out problems. Think about you clan, the most important part of your future,past , and present. " She had remembered that for a long time ,but how could she think about all of those? It is a lot to remember. She heard Blazepool sigh and she popped back to reality .

  "What?What's wrong Blazepool?" she asks not wanting to move her leg.

"Well Shimmerkit, im pretty sure Pinestar doesn't want you to.." She is cut off by yowling coming from the camp entrance.

She stands up and puts her paw in front of Shimmerkit protectively and she looks outside to see warriors gathering as Honeycrisp and Wintersnow enter camp chins high and proud. Blazepool shoed Shimmerkit to the side unseen. She pads to the entrance before Shimmerkit could quietly growl.

Blackwater growls ,"Why do you enter Leafclan camp?" He puffs out his chest.

Honeycrisp replies sharply," You have a guest here and we wish to take that guest home." Wintersnow was behind her looking around.

"Oh no!" Shimmerkit whispers and looks around desperate for a crack but all the brambles were secure. She bursts through them the thorns nagging at her fur and she got a thorn stuck in her pad. She growls as she slips through . Thorns had covered her fur spiking in all places . She limps away from camp hearing  Blazepool speak saying she escaped again and she tries limping faster but her leg and her thorn held her in a shower of pain . She smelt Shadeclan's border and she limped as fast as she could but she could hear pounding of paws behind her. She ran but she yowled which confirmed she had been there and she had quickly been swept of her feet and held by the scruff by Honeycrisp and Wintersnow beside her. She growled extremely mad at Shimmerkit and she flattens her ears knowing she will be badly punished.  She sighs as they cross the border she sighs falling asleep .

She wakes up on a border. One side had a dark sky and dark bramble thorns. She looked over to the other side to smell freshly killed prey and sweet scent of cats. She looked at the sky to see a sky with no stars but the sky was almost light. She looked at the ground and say starry grass and she stepped over to the light side and she heard something behind her. She turned around to see a couple paws and beady dark yellow eyes.

The figure called from the bushes," Hey! Where are you going? The good side is over here!" It was a huge black  she-cat with huge claws and big teeth . They looked strong enough to cut a badgers head off.

Shimmerkit stepped back scared of the dark tone she used. She heard other paws behind the she cat. She saw another set of beady brown eyes with a tiny white pelt. She stepped back even further with her tail between her hind legs

"You do not belong here, Nightstar! Nor you, Bonepaw!" A tom said behind Shimmerkit. She guessed that the dark she cat was Nightstar and the one white one was Bonepaw. The tom stepped in front of Shimmerkit and growled," This is Starclan territory! Go back to the dark forest where you belong!"

They hissed,"You ruined it!", as they sped off.

The tom turned to face Shimmerkit," Don't ever go back there! Please! Its a.. Bad place to be."

Shimmerkit steps away " Wh...who are you?" she stammers scared.

He looks at the dark forest then back at her," There is no time. Just listen. " The cat looked desprate to tell something.

A she-cat steps out calmly," Beware your Hollow future and a Lavender patch filled with dark Night with a sun filled sky,"

The tom growled at the blue she-cat muttering,"Now you have to help her!"

She looked furious after he had said that but they fadded as she wakes up in reality.

She wakes up getting in the leaders den next to Wintersnow nuzzling her awake .

"I had a dream about Starclan. " she mutters blinking the sleep from her eyes.

Skystar stares ,"Starclan came to you in a dream?" She gets up and sighs looking at her.

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