Love (LEMON)

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You walked into the Dal and sat at the bar. Trick walked up to you and said,

"So.....Lachlan, huh?" You sighed and said,

"I suppose Bo is pissed at me, huh?" Trick nodded and said,

"Scotch it is." You laid your head down on the bar and you heard the door to the Dal open and close.

"Hey, girl!" You heard Hale say, as he saw you. You turned and looked at him, saying,

"Hello, Hale." Dyson walked up to the bar after Hale and said,

"So, what's the deal with Lachlan? He seems a little too awake." You sighed and said,

"Trick hurry up with that scotch please." Trick came back with the bottle and said,

"Well, it's hard to get that bottle for you because you barely drink. And you only do when you're stressed. Tell me that you truly love Lachlan." You looked at him and said,

"I do. Now, gimme the booze." Trick laughed and poured you a cup of scotch. You sipped it and almost fell out of the chair when your heard Kenzi's voice say,

"What the hell?" You turned around and saw Bo dressed like a biker chick and Kenzi in some new boots. Kenzi sighed and said,

"Well, I guess bingo night's turned out to be a real hoot." Bo saw you, Hale, and Dyson and said,

"Oh! Come on." Kenzi growled and said,

"Act cool." As she approached the bar, Bo following behind her. Dyson looked at them and said,

"Wow. What's with the new look?" Hale looked at them and said,

"And the 'you gotta pay for this' vibe? Not that I don't love it." Hale stood up and said,

"Nice kicks, Kenz." Bo sighed and said,

"At least the worst part is behind us." Lauren walked in and stopped slightly when she saw Bo. Kenzi puffed her cheeks and said,

"You could say that." Bo turned around and you turned back towards the bar and said,

"Trick, I'm gonna need something a little more potent." Trick looked up and said,

"Tequila, rum, gin? I got a lot of potent booze, (Y/N)." You looked at him and said,

"Mix them all. Scotch, tequila, rum, gin. And everything else except for the beer." Trick looked at you, sighed, and said,

"You wanna liquor yourself up, I get it. But I'm not trying to kill you." You sighed and said,

"I'm going to the compound."

A Dark Fae bounty hunter came into the Dal and said,

"No one is going anywhere." Your eyes turned blue and you growled, 

"Like hell I'm not." Trick placed a hand on your shoulder and said,

"This is neutral territory, the Dark has no control here." I looked at Trick and the hunter chuckled, saying,

"I'm hunting a Dark Fae killer, Raynard, and I've tracked him to this bar. Now, I put a force field around the bar to keep him from leaving. It works on you all too. So, as I said, no one is going anywhere." I looked at him wide-eyed and asked,

"The Raynard?"  He nodded and answered,

"Yes, indeed." I sighed and sat at the bar, saying,

"I'm calling Lachlan." 

"Cell phones don't work." He said, as I opened my cell phone and noticed the 'No Service' bar at the top. I sighed and slammed the phone on the bar counter, saying,

An Ash in Love (Lachlan x reader) (Lost Girl Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now