chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up not seeing Ashton. I was a bit disappointed but relieved at the same time. Now I didn't have to worry about my brother trying to have sex with me, but with my bad luck I hear a door open I turn over and look. Standing by our door was Ashton with just a towel resting on his hips. I could see is abs so ripped and so perfect with water dripping off of it his muscular arms looking bigger and his hair was the perfect kind of mess because it was wet. I bit my lip and heard him chuckle.
Ashton: like your view sweetheart?
Looking down a bit embarrassed a small blush came across my face. He chuckled again and climbed onto the bed staring at me.
Ashton: aw c'mon, no need to be shy I don't bite. unless you like that of course
He winked at me and I could feel the small chills rush over my whole body. He was so sexy sitting there smelling like a beach. His sent just took over me and before I knew it my clothes and his towel was on the floor, our lips locked together

Is this wrong? (brother or lover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum