Chapter 4

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A/N: Here is the next chapter! Review! ;) It always motivates me seeing new reviews and I tend to update faster. Until next update, my lovelies!

"It wasn't my fault." Daisy remarked as she followed Th'vk. His silence had been very unsettling to her. There was a grunt in response but it did nothing to soothe her. Was it an angry grunt? A whatever grunt? She didn't understand why he didn't just answer. "Are you angry with me?" She questioned finally. The quiet had been causing her anxiety.

Th'vk turned his head to look at her. "No." His voice wasn't harsh but it wasn't soft either. "You did as you should have done: fought honorably and won. Proved to be the strongest mate. The best mate." He returned his attention to where he was leading her.

Daisy cheeks reddened from his odd, but strangely heartening, compliment. It was nice to be liked for being a strong woman instead of being feared by men who didn't like a woman who was stronger willed than them. "I wasn't the only one who fought." She mumbled.

"Yes, but you finished two opponents in the time it took Pol'v's mate to finish hers. Atok's mate was the weakest. You had to step in to help her." From his tone of voice Daisy knew that he wasn't exactly ecstatic about her choice of friends.

She quickened her steps so that she was able to walk side-by-side with Th'vk. "Their names are Natalie and Jennifer. They are my friends and they fought with me. They were honorable in a different way." Daisy instinctively tried to protect her new friends from any unkind remarks. He did not respond and she decided that perhaps it would be best to stay quiet. She had spoken much that day and she knew that it was quite possible his patience was wearing thin.

The path they took was familiar to Daisy. She studied the hallway. It kinda looks like we are heading back to our room. She, however, was confused when they passed the door she swore was theirs. Instead they continued on for about a few minutes until he abruptly stopped and entered the code into a panel. When she entered Daisy immediately noticed that it was a study area. There were desks, shelves, office supplies, and surprisingly some things for art and crafts. She walked in eyeing everything. "Make list, I will be back to collect you soon." With that he left her alone in the spacious room.

She searched for a pen and paper to begin writing her list. With her supplies together she hurried to write what she wanted from her home.


· laptop w/charger

· shoes (forget the heels)

· IPod w/charger

· computer games & board games (basically all the games in my house, including cards)

Looking over her short list she contemplated anything else she could have forgotten. Clothes were a no since she figured Th'vk would be insulted that she wanted her own clothes instead of the ones he was giving her. Daisy also needed to ask if there would be a way to charge her things or else she would also have to scrap the electronics. Most importantly she wanted to know if she would be able to contact her family. Her mother, brother, and sister had always been a big part of her life. They were her support system and she needed them more than ever. The door swished open and Th'vk stood waiting for her to come to him. Gabbing the piece of paper she held it close to chest. While they strolled to their next destination Daisy decided that it would be best to ask Th'vk her questions as they walked. "Would it be possible to charge some electronics of mine here or should I just leave them on earth."

There was a silence followed by an answer. "An alternative method would be found for you."

Good, one thing down. Taking a breath Daisy inquired about the thing that meant the most to her. "Will I be able to keep contact with my family?"

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