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"So why are we here?" Chris asked me as he walked up to me.

"You'll see!" I said as I pulled the book that opened the secret room. The wall moved and Chris and I snick in. The wall closed behind us and the torches were lit. We walked down the long passage way and when we entered the main room Chris's eyes grew wide, and his jaw dropped.

"I see you realize why I brought you here now!" I snickered.

"Stephanie is that... is that you!?" Chris said as he walked to her.

"Yep. In the flesh!" She said she got up and gave Chris a hug.

"But I thought you were hypnotized by Claire?" Chris said in astonishment.

"Nope it was all a fake!" Stephanie said happily. "I'm trying to trick Claire so hopefully I can learn more about her. Her weaknesses, her strengths, her past, her present, her every thought, and her every emotion." Stephanie snickered.

"That seems just a little wierd." I said. "It seems... stalkerish!" I giggled.

"I will solve this problem!" Stephanie said slamming her fist in her palm.

"No!" I said.

"What?" Stephanie said confused."What do you mean?"

"I mean you solved the last problem with Kassie. It's my turn now!" I said.

Stephanie and Chris looked at each other. "Its my turn to shine! I said with my eyes glowing red. "You two are always doing something amazing to save the day and what do I do?" I snickered. "Usually cry and wait for the problem to go away, for you to fix everything. This time I'm gonna make a change and do what's right!"

Paige's Return (Sequel to Adrenaline)Where stories live. Discover now