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I suddenly woke up with a huge headache. I quickly sat up and saw Chris and Stephanie standing next to me. I looked around and realized I was in Kassie's bed. "Wha... What happened?" I said dazed and confused of what was going on.

"I uh... Had to knock you out Paige, sorry." Chris said not looking into my eyes. I then remembered flipping out, and Chris punching me hard in the face. I then touched my right eye and felt a shooting pain and I winced. "Yeah sorry about that."

"It's fine." I said rubbing my head. I then felt a familiar taste in my mouth and stuck my index finger on my tongue and sure enough there was blood. I assumed I bit my tongue or something cause I wasn't missing any teeth. "Well next time you knock me out, use some gas, or hit me in the back of the head with a vase!" I said. I know I am undead or the living dead, but I still feel pain. I just don't die, well unless there is sunlight, wooden stakes, and crosses involved, when I don't have my bloodstone on.

"I said sorry didn't I?" Chris said.

"Yeah what ever, this meeting is closed." I said getting up.

"About that Paige," Steph chuckled. "It's Saturday morning!"

"WHAT!!!" I shouted surprised. "I was out that long!"

"Well yeah!" Steph said. "but you're up now!"

"What ever come on Steph!" I said walking out of the room and back into the library. Luckily it was still early enough where there was no one there. We snuck out and ran upstairs to our dorms. Chris hugged Steph good bye and left, and Steph went in our dorm, and me? I decided to go to the bathrooms and freshen up.

I went to the bathrooms and looked in the mirror. I looked worse than I felt!!! There was dried up blood under my nose, a big cut on my lower lip, and I had a huge black eye! I then turned on the facet and washed my face getting the blood off. I tipped my head up to dry it off and then I heard voices.

"Now then, Paige is on to us. We need to get rid of her!"

"Yes you're majesty!"

"Mia, stop saying that it sounds weird!"

"Yes you're majesty!"

"What ever, I need you to make sure Paige has a little... Accident! Got that Mia?"

"Yes you're majesty!"

"Good, your mission starts now, make sure Paige is harmed enough to leave this school, or... Her life!"

"Yes you're majesty!"

I heard the voices. They then laughed diabolically.

I gasped but then covered my mouth, the one voice I recognized very well... Just then I heard footsteps and then I quickly ran to one of the the one corner in front where they wouldn't see me. The girls turned around and sure enough it was Mia, and Claire. Just before they left Claire stooped and stopped Mia as well.

Claire then spun around and was looking right at me. She looked confused and her and Mia left. Just before Claire turned to see me I used an invisibility spell.

Once the two girls left I took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from my forehead. I left the bathrooms and quickly darted to my dorm. I slammed the door and locked it and began breathing heavily.

Stephanie was sitting at her desk working on spells and junk and before she could ask I shouted with dread. "CLAIRE IS OUT TO KILL ME!!!"


DAMN!!! This chap is short too!!! Oh well I don't give a damn any more. Just read it even if its short, it never killed any one!

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