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Hey guys~! So I was just casually re-reading one of my fav FNAF fanfics on the bus while listening to an amazing playlist, and I remembered something. (Yaaaaay memoriesssss) Alright, so last year I went to my very first anime convention last year with my big sister Carly. It was awesome. We went to a Hetalia world meeting and I got a pic with Roxas from Kingdom Hearts and we went to a Black Butler panel and bought loooots of Pocky and Ramune (think that's how you spell it) but yeah! It was great. But I remembered one thing in particular. My sister and I were just taking a break, so we were sitting on the floor in one of the main hallways, and then all of the sudden a guy runs in screaming and yelling. He ran over to Carly and I and he was wearing a plain uniform and a hat that said "Night Guard" and he was holding a tablet thing. He just looked at us and frantically yelled "HAVE YOU SEEN BONNIE CHICA FREDDY OR FOXY!?" and we shook our heads, although we got a pic with Chica. She told us not to tell him were she was. Lol alright so he groaned and started running again and that's when my sister yelled at him, "CLOSE THE DOORS!" and he replied with, "I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH POWER!!" So yeah that was funny. Anyways thanks for reading this stupid rant if you even do read it. Hope you have a wonderful day~! It's now spoopy month and I am so pumped guys. Alright that's it from me.

                                       Love Ya guys,

[The Life Of An Awkward Bi Loser Girl]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora