At the age of 12 ch22

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Sorry it has been a while since i have last wrote. hope you enjoy!


When I pulled up to my drive way mu dad and uncle were waiting there for me. My uncle looked

pissed. I got out of the car.

“April!” My uncle yelled.

“Yes.” I said while I opened the door for service. I walked up to them.

“What were you thinking!” my uncle yelled.

“Honey are you okay?” my dad asked. I gave him a quick nod.

“Well?” My uncle asked. He was getting to me.

“You don’t understand.”

“Yes I do.” he yelled back. That was to far.

“No you don’t. You weren’t kidnapped, rapped, you didn’t watch your room mate get her throat slit open. You didn’t watch the person you connect to fall in love with  and help you when the bad man did thing to you come and take care of you fall in love with someone else! You don’t have to take the pill that make you numb. Make you into a zombie and watch other people live there life while your trapped in your body. you are not being followed by the same guy you fell in love with!” I ran straight into the house.

“April come back. honey.” My dad yelled. I ran up the stair and right into Rachel.

“Honey what’s wrong?” I grabbed her and cry.

“Shh honey every thing is okay.” she said while stroking my hair. I heard footsteps behind me.

“Honey.” my dad

“What do you mean your being followed.” I pulled Rachel tighter.

“Back you.” Rachel said.

“No she’s being followed by the kidnapper.” My uncle yelled.

“No the kidnapper is dead.” My dad said.

“You don’t know that!” Mu uncle what pissed.

“I don’t care she is safe right here. Now leave her be.” she tugged me into my room. I wanted everything to be done with. I am not happy here. I let go of Rachel and ran into the bathroom shutting the door behind. I leaned against the door.

“April open the door please.”

“No. I’m fine.”


“Can you get me something to eat please. I I haven’t eaten anything today.”

“Sure.”  I waited until I didn’t hear her footsteps anymore. I went to the medicine cabin and grabbed my bottle of psychotic meds and swallowing them all. throwing the bottle on the floor I grabbed my razor dropped and started stepping on it until the blade was off the plastic. I fell to the ground grabbed the blade and cut my wrist hard up the vein. I hurt the at first but maybe because I was bleeding a lot I felt good. I could feel my heart slow. there was knocking on the door.

“April can I come in?” My eye lids were getting heavy. I heard the door open.

“April.. April! Someone Help. Help!” It was locus yelling. I was pulled into his arms.

“April stay with me. Help! Call an ambulance! April please.”

“What is  oh god!” It sounded like Rachel.

I was in a bright light room with Alice. I had my head down on her lap she was stroking my hair.

“April everything is okay.”

“But I’m scared.”

“Don’t be I know you tried save me.”

“But I could of done something.”

“No you couldn’t John was going to kill me either way. You were there for me. You tried saving me but I was to scared. It was my fault that I died. You need to stop blaming yourself.”

“But I can’t.”

“Yes you can. It was not you fault you hear me Not Your Fault. It’s time for you to go back.”

“Go back where? I’m scared.”

“Don’t be your surrounded by love.” She started to fade.

“Please don’t leave me again.”

“I will always being watching after you.” she disappeared.

 I opened my eyes. At first it was to bright. My eyes adjusted. I was laying flat on something. the room was completely white. There was a beeping noise and hospital machines. I tried getting up but I was strapped down. I started to panic.

“It okay. You are it the hospital. In the physic ward. My name is Steven. I’ll go get Doctor Mathias.”

“Please let me go. Unstrap me.”

“Sorry I can’t.” I tried pulling them but it brought out a big pain on both wrist.

“April it’s doctor Mathias.”

“Please untie me please I promise I wont me move I promise.” I looked at me then nod. Steven untied me and I did as I promise I didn’t move at all. I laid there perfectly still.

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“I tried ending my life.”


“It was to much for me to handle.”

“What was to much for you to handle April?”

“Did I die?” Mrs. Mathias went quiet.

“I saw her.” I whispered.

“Saw who?”

“She told me it’s not my fault to stop blaming myself.”

“Who? April who told you to stop blaming yourself?”

“Alice.” I turned my head and looked at her. She went quiet.

“Did I die.”


“Please answer the question.”

“You were down for about 7 mins.” I smiled.

“I’m not crazy. I went to heaven or the after life. I wasn’t having an episode.” I looked at her.

“Your not convinced.”

“You tried committing suicide.”


“I’m authorizing a 48hr lock up.”

“But. I promise I won’t do it again.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Okay but can I not be strapped down?”


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At the age of 12 i was kidnapped.... and there somebody still after me all these yearsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora