Chapter 1: Highschool Orientation

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I tapped my foot to the sound of all time low blasting through my head phones. Luckily, my sperrys didn't make much of a sound on the wood floor of the gymnasium. Could this day get any better? As I was doing this I could see all of the new faces of nervous freshmen. It was quite funny to be honest even if I was one of them a few years back. "Caroline!" A muffled voice called. I didn't hear it as much since I had music blaring in my ear and yet it was still audible. I turned around on the balls of my feet and Thomas, my best friend, comes into view. I take out my earbuds to hear what he has to say; even though they may sound like non-sense. "You need to see the new kid in our class! He is totally your type." Even though most guys are fairly fond of me and don't leave me alone, I wasn't interested. I was done with all this boy crap and ready to actually focus on my school work. "Thomas, please I don't want to mess with boys anymore and you know that." Thomas simply rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I know, but can't a guy try." I smiled at his silly attempts to change my mind and get me a man. It was sweet of him especially since I had to have a talk with him about how we are only friends and that is it. "No, and stop being my wing man-I don't usually need one." I reminded and again he scoffed. I know he was doing this because he loved me, however I wasn't having it. "Yeah, yeah, yeah don't remind me." Thomas crossed his arms, I giggled at his grumpiness. Soon enough Thomas walked off towards the crowd of juniors to hang. I was over there at one point, but I got so claustrophobic I had to excuse myself. That's what sucks about my anxiety; stupid events like these won't let me have my fun. I had gotten so nervous and jumpy standing along with the crowd I almost started crying. Why can't I just be normal and have normal problems like the color of my shoes? Why does it have to be this complicated and time consuming?
So, this is the first chapter! Tell me what you think it would really mean a lot to me!
Thx xoxo

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