Chapter 2: First week of school

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"Caroline, you can't ignore me forever!" Thomas exclaimed as I sorted out my algebra and English text books. I shut my locker and finally turned towards him. "Only if you stop mentioning that stupid new kid." I explained picking up my backpack from the floor and filing it with my books. "Fine." He grumbled following me to our trigonometry class. I don't understand why Thomas is so interested in getting me a boyfriend, I have made it clear that I don't want one. After all of these boys in my class falling for me, I think I need a little break from dating. As we started to approach the door for first period there was a line of people by the bulletin board. "What could that be all about?" I nudged Thomas as he glanced over to the sheets of paper tacked to the wall. "Probably some new club, you know all those hipsters. They all want to join clubs that involve earth and growing shit." I shrugged in agreement. I do know my fair share of hipsters and yes they do often love growing trees and such. Thomas soon pulled my attention away from the group of people towards the door and dragged me inside. "Okay, Okay, I'm coming." Once Thomas let go of me a wiped off my clothes as if he had gotten them dirty. He laughed and sat down in a random seat by the board. I sat in the desk behind him like I usually do which leads us to not really pay attention. As the class began I got my books out and actually payed attention, then again Thomas kept shooing me away every time I'd even slightly try to tap him or attempt to get his attention. Some how, some where, God must have been ready to punish me because in the middle of finishing my notes my name comes over the loud speaker. "Caroline Evans, please report to the office." I cringed and started to put my books away slowly. "Damn it" I whispered to Thomas who smirked in amusement. I sighed and lugged my backpack onto my shoulders. The class continued as I walked out the door. What now? I haven't done anything wrong and even if I did, it's only the first week of school, I couldn't have done something that bad.Slowly, but surely I made my way to the principle's office. I held my breath slightly as I stumbled inside almost tripping over my own two feet. I didn't want to take the chance of absorbing the smell of the secretary's old lady perfume. "Hello Ms. Evans, please come sit over here." I heard the principle say in his office. I fixed my posture and stepped inside. I always have to make a good impression to keep my kind of record clean. One slip and I may ruin it. "Sit down," Mr.Davenford, the school's principal, motioned his arm towards a pair of seats in front of his desk. I sat down and tried not to acknowledge the presence next to me. As I tapped my foot my eyes some how wandered to the boy next to me. He must have been the new kid, and I know what they do with new kids. "Now, I know I can trust you to show Mr.Chance around, correct?" I nodded trying to keep my attention towards him, however my nerves kept getting the best of me and the carpet seemed way more interesting. "Great!" I jumped at the sudden boom of Mr.Davenford's hands slamming on his desk as he stood. He opened up his office door and I sprung out of my seat immediately. I tried to walk out nonchalantly so that I did not seem too happy to get out of the office. When I finally stepped out of the office there was a long silence between Mr. Chance and I. "My name is Caroline-hello." I introduced trying to make the moment less awkward. He smiled as we strolled down the long empty hallway. "I'm Greyson." Greyson. Probably should remember that.

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