The Beginning

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This is a story of the wizard boy with the lopsided glasses and the witch girl with the bushy hair. Some say it was love at first sight, but that's just not the truth. A great romance starts with friendship. And that's what it was, a beautiful, timeless friendship. You are going to be along for the ride of this amazing journey as I tell it as it was.
You know the start of the story. Let's move along to the beginning of their third year, as Harry, Ron and Hermione are about to take their first Care of Magical Creatures class.


"Alright there, Granger?" Malfoy laughed as Hermione struggled to get her Monster Book out of her bag. Hermione scowled. "I placed a sealing charm on at when I bought it. It must be wearing off," she said.

"Oh, wouldn't want to have something Little Miss Prissy couldn't do!" He said. Hermione spun on her heel, causing dirt to fly up on her robes.

"Come on, Malfoy, are you sure you aren't talking about yourself?" She snapped.

Malfoy frowned. "You're just a spoiled little mudblood," he said flatly.

Several students gasped at his choice of words. "Back off, Malfoy," said a boy, standing in front of Hermione.

Malfoy smirked. "I see Granger got herself a boyfriend! No one other than Potter would give her a second glance," he snorted.

"Say another word and I won't give you a second glance before sending you to the hospital wing," growled Harry, Hermione shaking behind him.

"What's goin on 'ere?" Said a hoarse voice. Everyone glanced up to see Hagrid beaming down upon all of them.

If it was any other teacher, Draco would have immediately told on Harry. But if he told Hagrid anything, true or not, he would surely not punish Harry.

"You have to stroke the books," He said, almost comically, as Neville fell to the ground as the book attacked him.

"Thanks, Harry," said Hermione breathlessly as Harry released his grip on her. Harry shrugged. "You would have done the same for me."


This here is a great example of what amazing friends Harry and Hermione were even before things... changed. There was no denying something was stirring. There's much more to tell you, but we must save that for another time.

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