monster high

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clawd to Dracularura

clawd:  lala. I need to tell you something

Dracularura:  what is it

clawd:  its just we've. know each other for a long time and I was going. to ask you if

Dracularura:  if what ?

clawd: if you would be my -

clawdeen: Clawd Lewis. wolf. get. your big wolf but down here or so help me I will beat you with my high heels of pain !
deuce and 3 others like this

clawd: crap okay I'm going,  D, I'll call you later

Dracularura: Kay : (

cleo uploaded this pictures. in her " party of the millennium " album

cleo:  question. favorite part of the party was? ...

clawdeen:  truth. or scare

deuce:  would. you rather

Frankie:  DJ mix

Heath:  spin the bottle.

clawd:  shut up Heath

Heath:  your just mad it landed on me and Dracularura

clawd: shut up Heath

Dracularura: I can't. believe I did that gross

Heath: ah you know you loved it

Dracularura:  someone. get me mouthwash. heaths got bat breath

Manny and 18 others. like this

Manny:  don't. have to tell me twice

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