monster high

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Frankie posted movie night with
my ghouls


lagoons: what movie?

clawdeen:  anyone buying snacks?

Dracularura:  hunger games!

Frankie: what?

Dracularura:  mockingjay part 2 came out!

cleo:  what's with you any those movies?

Dracularura:  uh because of the action and mostly romantic parts I'm an everlark shipper

clawdeen:  true dat

Abby: Abby no understand type of ship?

ghoulia: its when you combine to people's names

abbey:  I understand now

clawd: can we come?

Frankie:  yeah but don't bring Heath

Heath:  so there

deuce:  too late

Gill:  we could

Manny:  throw him in the pool and pretend we don't know him

Gill:  was going to say after a movie we could go to the coffin bean

Manny:  damnmit

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