His Maid, Fearless

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"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Finny cried out in pain, breaking Bo's train of thought. The poor boy had just been struck by a dart by Ciel and he wasn't taking it well. "What was that for, Master?" he demanded. "What did I do?"

"Nothing," Ciel answered calmly. He took a sip of his tea without looking at the older boy. "I don't need to justify my actions."

Bo rolled her eyes. She had been at the Phantomhive manor for less than a year, and yet that answer had become predictable whenever the young lord did something unusually cruel to one of the servants. He wasn't doing it to be particularly cruel, she knew; he was just bored.

After Ciel and Sebastian had saved her from Mr. Brown almost a year ago, Bo had been working for the Earl Phantomhive as one of his servants. Unlike the others, however, he had developed something akin to fondness for Bo, which meant she was usually by his side. Bo also had the unique skill of pacifying the others due to their similar backgrounds, which Ciel was also grateful for as it brought him some peace and quiet.

"Now, now, Finny," the black-haired woman said soothingly as she went over to the young blond boy. Bo looked at the back of his head, which had already healed. Bo didn't know much about the other servants' pasts, but she knew that Finny had had a hard life and he was different from the others, so she wasn't all that surprised. "Look, you're all fine now. I'll see to it that Sebastian gives you a piece of the dessert tonight if you like, all right?"

Finny looked up at her, his blue eyes wide and teary. "Really, Miss Isabo?" She nodded and he wrapped his arms around the woman in a tight hug.

Bo laughed and returned the hug. "Finny," she choked slightly. "Too tight." He released her quickly and stammered out an apology. "It's alright," she laughed. "Anyway, I told you to call me Bo."

Finny nodded, but before he could reply, the door burst open to reveal the head butler, Sebastian. "There you are!" he exclaimed, glaring at the other three servants. "Have you finished weeding the courtyard, Finny? Mey-Rin, have you washed all the bedding? Baldroy, shouldn't you be preparing for tonight's dinner?" The servants began to stammer out explanations, but Sebastian ignored them. "Tanaka... well, I suppose you're alright as you are," he said. Bo scoffed. Nothing new there. She half suspected that Sebastian had a sort of respect for the old head butler, but of course Bo would never voice her suspicions. "Now all of you, we have no time for thumb-twiddling this morning. So get to work!" Bo hid her smirk as the other raced out the door. "Simply hopeless," said Sebastian, shaking his head.

"Perhaps you should try some positive reinforcement?" Bo offered, turning to hand Ciel the dart he had thrown at Finny.

Sebastian glanced at her in amusement. "Perhaps I shall consider it, Miss Stuart." Bo fought the urge to glare at him. Sebastian Michaelis had taken an inexplicable interest in her ever since the day she'd joined the Phantomhive household. He seemed amused by everything Bo did, and it irritated her to no end.

"If you two are done," Ciel said, interrupting the stare down that had begun between Sebastian and Bo. "I will be in the study." The young boy stood and Bo nodded, moving to follow him.

The day passed boringly. Ciel worked, then they played a few games together. Bo thought he enjoyed playing with her best when Sebastian wasn't around, because he always seemed more relaxed away from the butler. In fact, she realized, he seemed more relaxed away from other people in general. Bo couldn't say that she didn't agree. Eventually, however, Ciel decided to call Sebastian for a snack. Bo smirked; she could just picture the annoyance on the butler's face at being interrupted on such a busy day.

If Sebastian was upset at being called, he didn't show it when he entered the room. Without looking up, Ciel gave the order, "I'm a bit hungry. I'd like something sweet to eat."

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