His Maid, Puzzled

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As happy as Bo was to be free of Mr. Damiano's lustful gaze, she was even more elated to escape Sebastian's watchful eye. She immediately began to set about making preparations for dessert; Ciel had requested lemon meringue pie for the evening and Bo wasn't sure Baldroy had quite enough culinary skill to handle such a dish yet.

Making sure to leave the light off, Bo left the oven room door slightly open and brought the pie to the kitchen. Just as she finished slicing the pie, Bo felt an uncomfortably familiar presence watching her from the door. "Can I help you with something, Mr. Michaelis?"

"Have you finished making the preparations for dessert?" he asked plainly. Bo was well aware of what he was really asking. Sebastian Michaelis was many things, but he certainly wasn't foolish enough to ask her about dessert while Bo was cutting it right in front of him.

"I was just about to inform the young master and Mr. Damiano that it was ready," she replied easily. No matter Bo's personal feelings for him, Sebastian was a Phantomhive servant just as Bo was, and they both had a job to do.

Bo could feel Sebastian's smirk even as she kept her eyes on her current task. Once she had finished cutting and plating the pie, Bo placed the plates on a tray and made her way out. "Mr. Damiano is currently on a phone call," he informed Bo as she passed him. "Do take care to ensure he is shown every hospitality once he is done."

Nodding silently, she walked out, her expression impassive. Damiano's voice echoed throughout the hall as Bo made her way to him. "I'm tired of babysitting this child earl," he hissed into the phone as I neared him. Careful not to make any noise, Bo move closer to the doorway until she was just outside, her body hidden by shadows. "Yes, I've already sold off the factory. Now all that's left is to pocket the extra cash. I'm trying to squeeze more out of the brat right now. The employees? Who cares about them?" Bo grit her teeth and fought the urge to lunge at Damiano. Not only was he insulting her master, but his obvious selfishness infuriated Bo. Yes, it seemed Bo had been right; Mr. Brown was still haunting her, except now he was thin, rich, and Italian.

She must have made some noise to alert Damiano, because he suddenly turned around. Pressing myself against the wall, she held her breath and waited. The person on the phone seemed to ask what was wrong because Damiano replied, "Never mind. The rest of the formalities will be for you to deal with. No, it'll be easy. Please, he's only a child." Bo heard the click of the phone and ran as quickly as she could to the end of the hallway.

Once Bo was certain she was too far away for Damiano to suspect she had been listening, the black-haired woman turned and began walking down the hallway once more. Mr. Damiano had a strange expression on his face and he was looking around nervously. "Good evening, Mr. Damiano," she called out and fought back a smirk as he jumped at the sound of Bo's voice.

Realizing that it was only her, Damiano visibly relaxed and shot her a grin. "Miss Isabo," he said cheerfully. "What a lovely surprise."

"The young master asked me to see how you were faring," Bo lied easily. "He feared you might have gotten lost."

"How thoughtful of him." Damiano sounded irritated and Bo had to hide her smirk once more as he clenched his jaw and continued walking. "This manor is quite large, I must admit. An estate truly worthy of the Phantomhive name!" This time it was Bo's turn to grit her teeth. Keep singing my master's praises, you filthy traitor. I'll see to it you sing a very different tune by the end of the night.

Instead of voicing her thoughts, Bo merely forced a kind smile as they moved up the stairs and replied, "Yes, indeed. It's almost too much for a mere five servants, but we make do." Mr. Damiano, however, wasn't listening. When Bo turned around to face the older man, he was staring at the portrait of Ciel's parents that Sebastian had been ordered to take down. "Is something wrong, Mr. Damiano?"

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