His Maid, Indebted

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"Now, how exactly did this happen?" demanded Sebastian. Bo could tell he was trying very hard to remain calm and she had to fight the urge to smirk at his annoyance. Despite her feeling of smugness, however, not even Bo could enjoy the small victory when the garden was half-dead, the tea sets were all shattered, and the meat had been charred.

"We're so sorry, we didn't mean to!" Mey-Rin and Finny apologized in unison. She sighed and rolled her eyes as they hugged Sebastian around the waist and began sobbing apologies uncontrollably.

"Calm down, all of you," scolded Sebastian. "In fact, you should try taking a page out of Tanaka's book and start behaving like –" Suddenly, the head butler paused and stared at the older man. He smirked and Bo knew he had come up with a brilliant idea. "Everyone, listen closely and do exactly as I say, understand? We must be quick about this. We might save this night yet..."

Bo raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she listened to his plan. Despite her contempt for Sebastian Michaelis, not even she could deny his ability to think on his feet. Then again, if he couldn't do that much for his master, then what kind of butler would he be?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bo stood nervously with the other servants at the entrance to the manor as they waited for Damiano's carriage to arrive. Only Sebastian seemed calm, though his posture was tense. As the carriage pulled to a stop, Sebastian stepped forward to open the door for the guest. Damiano was a handsome man, with longish brown hair and blue eyes which stood out against his tan skin.

"How impressive!" exclaimed Mr. Damiano as he took in the garden. Sebastian's quick thinking had transformed the dead brush into a beautiful Japanese landscape.

"Hello, welcome sir!" the servants greeted in unison, bowing respectfully.

"This is called a stone garden," Sebastian explained as he walked with Damiano. "It is a traditional feature in Japan."

Damiano clapped his hands together happily. "Ah, prodigioso!" he exclaimed. "Wonderful! Truly an elegant garden!" Bo held back her sigh of relief as the two men made their way towards the other servants.

"We thought it appropriate to serve dinner al fresco this evening," continued the butler with a kind smile. "Isabo will escort you inside until the meal is ready." Bo nodded to the gentleman and bowed once more.

"Welcome, sir," Bo greeted warmly as she looked up at him. "Shall I take your coat?"

"I should have expected this from a Phantomhive," Damiano declared. "I cannot wait to see what else is in store!" He handed Bo his coat and hat and entered the manor with excitement.

"We actually did it," Baldroy sighed as the servants cheered happily. Bo grinned.

"Who would've thought a dozen bags of gravel could turn into an amazing garden?!" agreed Finny.

Sebastian was his usual cool self though. "Naturally we were able to handle this," he said confidently. "We serve the Phantomhive family, after all. There's still work to be done. Let's take care of it while the master is talking business with his guest. Look sharp now."

"Right!" The other servants split up as Bo followed after Damiano.

"Miss Stuart?" Sebastian called after her. Bo fought the urge to roll her eyes and turned back to him. "See to it that you act carefully around Mr. Damiano." Before she could ask what that meant, he was already off to continue making preparations for dinner.

Damn that butler, Bo thought as she made her way to where Damiano was waiting. He's so irritatingly vague. Nonetheless, the black-haired woman forced a smile as she entered the manor and hung up Damiano's coat and hat. "Forgive the wait, sir. Master Phantomhive is expecting you in the drawing room."

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