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Scourge's POV

My best friend ended up dragging me to the this so called place. And he wasnt kidding when there were a lot of girls here.

There were almost hundreds of them. All in just two pair of clothing, and those clothing were covering their parts.

Some of them just decided not to wear clothes. Which was a disgusting sight. I should love the sight, but I didn't.

It was an odd feeling, but instead of ignoring it I let it sink inside me.

"Isn't this cool dude!? Look at the hot babes we can play with!" Dragon smirked, looking at all the girls. Wanting to play with them. Not me.

This is just plain nasty. Seems like we weren't the only guys here, since I keep hearing moans.

I need to throw up.

"Heh, It was nice being here. But I have to go!" I said and turned around. I speed walked away from the place and once I was outside, there was fresh air. I soon dashed off home.

Wanting to get rid of that nightmare that might scar me for life, I splashed my face with cold water. This is strange though! I was suppose to love that beautiful yet nasty place.

Why do I feel different!?

I needed something to hit. I need a punching bag or a tree. Something!

As I kept running, my house came into clear veiw. I smiled seeing my house and dashed faster.

I reached my destination, walking up to the door, Unlocking it and shoving my tired body inside.

There's no way in hell i'm going out there for right now.


I sighed and walked into the kitchen, seeing that I was feeling hungry for all that running.

This was starting to get very strange. But why?

You know what, I dont care anymore.

Opening the fridge, I looked to see that i was running out of food. All my favorite foods were gone.

"Dammit." I said, groaning after. Now that I realise it, I have to go back outside. And have to go to the supermarket.

Thank god there was a supermarket close by. I am not going to be walking so many miles just for a supermarket.

Well scourge, time to go shopping.

When I arrived to the supermarket, I walked from aisle to aisle picking up many supplies and looked around for more.

Might as well see what else there is since this was getting boring.

I walked out of aisle I was currently in and spotted the meat section. I smiled and went to get some meat. I picked up chicken and fajita. Im sure this meat are good.

I went to pick another, but paused as I heard whimpering.

Who is whimpering that loudly? It's annoying! If its a baby, I swear.

Turning around, I searched for who could make that insane annoying sound. As I turned my attention, I see familiar blue fur. I froze.


Whats he doing here in the upermarket? Does he live somewhere close by to?

Stupid scourge! Act tough, don't blow your cover!

I looked at Sonic who was whimpering and backing away. Oh great. He's scared of me. No, please don't be terrified of me. Damn it, Scourge! It's good! Good! He's terrified of me.

"What are you looking at, blue?" I said harshly and winced secretly as he was affected by my tone.

I walked up to sonic. He wasn't moving. I thought he would have dashed away by now but he didn't. I'm guessing he's too terrified to move. Poor blue. I can't. No, scourge! Ugh!

As I got closer to him. I looked at his face. Trying to see what he would do next, while reading his face.

He was scared, afraid, and depressed. Nothing else, and nothing more. I kept staring at him.

Watching his facea. He clutched his crate that held some of his things. I quickly looked in his crate and looked back at him, looking back at the items.

Why was he getting so much medication? Is something wrong with him? Did I hurt him that bad?

I didn't get to finish the train of questions as Sonic's next move startled me. I focoused on him and watched as he let a tear out.

Great, now I made him cry! This is bad, but it should be good! My chaos, this is killing me!

I opened my mouth to say something to him but couldn't even utter a word as he dashed off. Running away from me.

Well that went well.

I chased after him, trying to catch up to him, speed walking at the same time. I dont need questions from other people. I saw him run into another aisle and disappear from there.

"Dang it!" I rasped out, watching his retreating form apear at the counters. Soon he was off.

Sonic. I cant believe i'm saying this but.. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

Edited 2/10/20

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