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I was in my new office going through files and records of the pack. This was my third day as alpha. Dad was standing behind me pointing at particular paragraphs or folders ever so often. He was showing me the ropes. The coronation ceremony was three days ago. Alphas from all across the world had attended. Congratulatory messages were still coming in. Everyone was happy that stability had returned to our world. Mom came in through the door followed closely by Sam. Mom was carrying the coffee pot while Sam had the biscuits.

"Look at the men still hard at work. " Sam said." Don't overwork him, honey. "Mom added.

" We will be done in a couple of hours then you two love birds can go do whatever you want." said dad. We had decided that we could all stay in the packhouse. I didn't want to be away from my parents having grown up without them. My pack had taken over the territory previously occupied by the rogues.

Shortly after the war with the rogues, the whole pack had moved back to our territory. Together we had restored the grounds into their previous glory. Shortly afterward Sam and I had been officially unified. Our moms had taken care of all the details all we did was show up. After the ceremony, dad had announced that he was going to step down from being alpha and hand me the title. Of course, he meant after we came back from the honeymoon. Mom and dad let us use the beach house for the honeymoon. We made great memories in that place. We had returned a week ago and dad had organized the coronation and sent out the invites.

In an interesting turn of events, Sean was named my new beta after he won the challenge matches that determined the holder of that position. He was currently back in the states overseeing the sale of the estate in which we had stayed before moving back here.

On a sad note, Jared had been tried and found guilty of treason, a crime punishable by death. His parents had taken it badly because he was an only child. They had committed suicide shortly after Jared was executed.

Sam was looking radiant these days. She had just told me that she was pregnant, confirming my suspicions. I was overjoyed by the prospect of being a dad. Mom was already doing baby shopping, never mind the fact that Sam was still eight months due. I was finally somewhere I belonged. Surrounded by family and pack. The events of the last few months were finally fading out of my memory. But I was also on the lookout you never knew when a new enemy would arise.

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