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"what are you doing here, jessica?" Lillie sighed. She really didn't want to deal with her problematic best friend right now. She was trying to put Louis down for his afternoon nap, since he had woken up cranky that morning.

Jessica bit her lip and looked down at her beat up adidas. "I came over to apologize..what I said yesterday was stupid and I shouldn't have insulted Louis.."

Lillie narrowed her eyes. She doesn't forgive people easily, especially if they insult her baby Louis. She doesn't think she can hang around Jessica without ringing her neck. Lillie shook her head.

"I don't think I can forgive you, jessica. It's going to take some time, I can't have you here right now, I'm trying to get Louis to nap." Just as Lillie said that, there was a small cry from the living room.


Lillie smiled awkwardly at Jessica before pointing toward the living room. "I have to tend to Louis, sorry jes.."

Jessica frowned a little, before nodding. "Uh, yeah! Yeah - I completely understand. I'll catch you around, ba- um..Lilian." Jessica backed away from the porch and left. Tears clouding her eyes.

Lillie sighed and shut the door before going back to the living room. She cooed softly as she saw Louis burrowed into the couch, tear stains on his cheeks. Lillie sat on the couch and patted her lap, Louis quickly got into lillie's lap, straddling her thighs and laying his head in the crook of her neck.

Lillie started humming a soft tune, to lull Louis to sleep. After a few minutes Lillie looks down and smiles, because Louis is fast asleep with a thumb in his mouth.

Lillie carries the small boy upstairs, and to their bedroom. She tucks him in and gives him a soft kiss to the forehead, whispering "my little Louis.." Before walking out of the room, shutting off the light and turning Louis's nightlight on.

Lillie goes back downstairs since she isn't the tired yet, she plops down onto the couch with a sigh and grabbed her phone of the coffee table. Her eyes widened slightly at the message she had gotten a couple minutes ago.

Messages (1)

bby jes 💕:
I fucking love you.

New chapter yoooo

Hope you guys like it!

Until the next update,

All the love,

Dekayla ✨💗

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