The urine Curse

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Greetings. It's Evilynn again, the virtual narrator of this online tale of terror.

Have you ever received a creepy chain letter in your email box? An anonymously sent email that instructs you to forward it to others or something gruesome will happen?

Most of these chain letters are merely annoying junk mail, but there are a few, oh yes, a few very real ones you should never risk opening...

Now turn off the lights, lean in close to your screen and get ready to have chills go down your spine. This is the true story of one such chain letter, the urineCurse. 

Our story begins with a girl named Alexis.Alexis spends her time chatting online and writing her blog.

It is the eve before Senior Prom. Alexis is chatting with her friends Alex and Aly. They begin teasing her about her date, who is only a freshman. "Jerks!" Alexis thinks, "I wish I could get back at them." Then she has an idea. She quickly types up a chain letter and anonymously sends it to both of them. It reads...

Subject: The urine Curse

Body: You are now under The urineCurse. The curse began twenty-five years ago after a young girl tragically disappeared on the night of her prom. The only thing left of her was a puddle of urine and the faint odor of unburied corpse in her bedroom. She was never seen again. Email this letter to ten people by midnight, or someone you know will suffer the same fate. It may be YOU! 

That'll show them, Alexis thinks, smiling as she continues to chat.

Alex types, "Oh great, I just got a chain letter."

"That's weird. So did I!" Aly adds.

"I didn't get anything." Alexis replies, smirking as she types.

"Well, chain letters are stupid. A clowns is way scarier. I'm just deleting it." Alexreplies.

"Me, too." Aly agrees.

"What? You aren't freaked out?" Alexis

"Huh? Why would I take something like this seriously. Jeesh. Anyway, as I was saying, remind your date to wear his bib at dinner tomorrow! Ha ha." Alex jokes.

"Whatever. TTYL" Alexis logs off. 

  The next day at school Alexis has forgiven her friends for teasing her. During lunch, she checks her blog. It loads but something is missing. Alexis realizes that Alex isn't on her friend list anymore. Alexis calls over to Aly sitting at the computer next to her. "Hey, why is Alex's name off my friend list?"

"Who's Alex?" Aly asks

"You know, Alex." Alexis says.

"I don't know any Alexs. Sorry."

"Oh, you guys must have realized it was me who sent that chain letter. I'm sorry, okay?" Alexis rolls her eyes.

" Argh! You know I'm superstitious. I was all paranoid 'cause I didn't send it." Alysays. "But I forgive you."

"I wish Alex would feel the same." Aly replies.

Aly eyes Alexis quizzically, "Seriously,Alexis, I don't know who Alex is." 

After school, Alexis rushes home to get ready. She fires up her computer to chat with Aly and Alex. She doesn't see Alex on her buddy list, but Aly's there. "Oh great,Alex's blocking me. This is so psychotic." She picks up her cell and calls Alex. She only gets a recorded voice saying the number isn't in service. Confused, she messages Aly and asks her to come over.

Aly shows up a few minutes later. "Where's Alex?" Alexis asks. 

"Why do you keep asking about Alex? Who is he?" 

"Fine, be that way." Alexis puts on her dress. "I have to use the bathroom to do my hair, I'll be right back."

Aly leaves the room. 

After ten minutes, Alexis smells unburied corpse emanating from the bathroom. She grows impatient and knocks on the bathroom door. "Aly? Are you done?" No answer. Finally, she opens the door. The room is empty. She could have sworn she never saw Aly leave.

Suddenly she notices the puddle of urineon the floor. "Ew! Gross!" Alexis quickly shuts the door.

Now she's annoyed. She needs to get ready and both of her closest friends are playing a prank on her for revenge.

She calls Aly on her cell. It picks up andAlexis says, "Hey Aly, look I SAID I was sorry about the...

She is interrupted by a woman's recorded voice, "We're sorry, this number is not in service." 

Alexis trudges downstairs and tells her mom that Aly and Alex are messing with her. Her mom stares at her blankly and says, "Who are Aly and Alex?"

Alexis's mouth drops. "What? You, too? Come on! This is starting to freak me out.Aly and Alex. You know, my friends who come over all the time."

"I'm sorry honey, but I don't remember meeting those friends."

"Oh never mind!"

Alexis runs upstairs to her room. Suddenly she has an idea. No one can disappear completely! She quickly types in Alex andAly's full names into After a few seconds her computer screen says: NO SEARCH RESULTS FOUND.

Alexis's eyes grow wide. "What? How can that be? Aly and Alex both have blogs!" She tries typing in the names of her cousins as a test and a few results come up for each. So, the search engine works...Alexis's getting scared. 


Alexis slowly sits back in her chair. This has to be a joke. The chain letter curse is fake.

The clock strikes eight and she suddenly realizes she still doesn't know where everyone is meeting before the prom. She logs on to her blog and is startled to see the words "USER NAME NOT FOUND" appear on her screen. She tries again. Her blog is gone.

Suddenly she hears the windcoming from nowhere. The chain letter floats in her mind... "She was never seen again." She opens her window for some air and is startled to see nothing but grey fog outside.

Frantically, she opens her door to reveal even more fog. She stumbles back into the room and in a fit of madness pushes her computer off her desk. It shatters and glass shards fly up and cut her. Blood splashes on her new dress. She sinks to the floor screaming. "STOP IT!"

She screams louder, but her voice fades to a whisper. She lowers her head and watches as her body, starting with her legs, begins melting into urine.

Hahahaha sleep tight kids.


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