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Name: Candor
Alias: Elder Green

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hair: Pale green
Eyes: Pink

Candor has shouler length pale green hair with is normally sticking in random directions; his bangs hang past his collarbone, he keeps one section of his hair in a clump by eight red bobby-pins in a cross pattern.

His eyes are a light pink color, directly under his right eye he has a ruby with two small emeralds on either side with a larger emerald drop under the ruby.

He typically wears a pink and black/blue diamond checkerd V neck shirt a black jacket over top with black pants and boots.

His guild mark is located on his chest.

Professional Status
Affiliation: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark Location: Chest (Bright Green)
Occupation: Mage
Team: Team Green
Base: Fairy Tail

Status: Alive
Relatives: Emerald (Twin sister)

Magic: Earth
He can control any type of earth based object manly plants and wood.

Weapon: None. However he does know how to use a sword.

Personality: Candor is known for his laziness and his habit of running from fights he seems 'useless and unnecessary'. He normally lets his twin, Emerald fight but will step in the second he things she is in danger, showing that he is protective over her.

He is normally carefree and laid back, but once you endanger his sister or his friends he will not hesitate to strike you down. He loves to tease his sister and fellow guild mates and is typically seen at the bar trying to out drink Cana.

Candor can typically read a persons emotions easily and (depending the situation and person) gives hints and/or tips.

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