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Name: Zero

Race: Exceed
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Brown

Appearance: Zero is a light grey Exceed with darker shades of grey on the tip of his tail and on his paws. Like most Exceeds he has large pointed ears though on his left ear he has a small cut which is visibly seen. He has dark brown eyes.

Zero wears a black scarf around his neck.

Precessional Status:
Affiliation: Fairy Tail
Previous Affiliation: Sabertooth
Guild Mark: Black (Back)
Team: Team Green
- Emerald (Normally)
- Candor (Occasionally)

Magic: Area

Personality: Zero seems to have a grumpy personality and is almost always seen bickering with Emerald. (He calls her green-sprout. A play on words from the nickname Bean-sprout).

However Zero loves to tease others and does indeed care for others but hides his kindness and worry behind his snarky-attitude. He tends to pace around when Emerald is injured, followed by him giving her a lecture and blaming her for getting him all worked up.

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