003 / alyssa

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   Our footsteps synchronized with each other as we walked out of the library and into the cool Gotham air outside. October was rolling in far too quickly for my liking.

   "Thanks again." I mumbled, staring down at the leaf covered concrete instead of him. The nervousness inside of me not allowing me to face him directly, in fear that he'd blow up on me any second.

"It was no problem at all, Lyssa." A nickname already? That can't be good new. As sad and pathetic as it sounded, nicknames weren't a favorite of mine; quickly becoming a sign of attachment that I didn't need.

After a few more minutes of walking in silence to my apartment, with only the background noise of cars driving by, I finally spoke up and asked the question that's been burning in the back of my mind.

"Jerome?" He glanced over at me, an all too innocent look plastered on his face, with his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets. "You're not going to go off on me and tell me how much of a bitch I am for ignoring you?"

We turned a corner, getting closer and closer to my home with each minute passing by, as he slowly nodded at my question. "I should but I'm not as angry anymore." Jerome shrugged, eyeing me as he waited for a reaction.

"Huh," I contemplated his answer, almost feeling guilty for his anger; I mean, I know I'm the cause for it but he should've known better than to actually expect more than that one night. "I suppose that's a good point."

   "It is, isn't it?" We finally came to a stop, standing at the entrance of my apartment complex; the part where a tough decision had to be made on both sides. "You don't have to invite me in-"

I don't know if it was just the heat of the moment and my guilt or an idiotic thought inside of me but I interrupted him, spilling out an answer that even surprised me to hear. "No, it's okay. Come in."

   The look of surprise was completely evident on his face, his light eyebrows furrowing as if to ask me if I was serious and his pink lips slightly parted at my statement. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I squeaked out, cursing myself for the sign of nervousness that came out of me, walking towards the doors as Jerome held it open for me while we made our way up. "Thank you."

   "Well, here we are." I threw the library book on a nearby yellow couch, plopping it right dab in the middle of it as we entered the small apartment. It felt a bit awkward having him in here, considering the fact that he was my first visitor here.

   "It's nice." Jerome complimented as he glanced around the apartment, I wasn't sure if he was being genuine or not but I didn't really mind it. At the sight of him taking a seat by the front door, that's when it hit me that I still had his flannel.

   "Here." Before I could give it to him, he stood up from his seat on the couch and shook his head at the flannel, looking down at me with soft blue eyes; his gaze both unsettling and comforting at the same time.

   "Keep it." He took a hold of it and placed it on the edge of the couch, before turning back around to look at me. "Did you regret that night because it wasn't what you were used to?"

And there it was. I knew there'd be a question coming about last week's 'date' at the circus, it was just expected of him. Yet, when he asked it, it felt as if I didn't have an answer; caught completely off guard.

The last part actually did hurt a bit to hear. The subtle way of him calling me a slut wasn't surprising either, but it still hurt as much as it would have if it was surprising or if it was coming from someone else's lips.

"I didn't regret it." I admitted, trying to steady my gaze on him. "I'm just scared."


I know Jerome seems a little normal but I kind of wanna write about him slowly turning into, well, the Jerome we all know and love! ☺️💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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