Mistakes were made

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The gun fired.
Ciel expected darkness to completely overwhelm him, he expected numbness..... Yet, he felt nothing. What was this? Didn't he pull the trigger? He swore he did... The boy tried once more, yet only a faint clicking sound was heard. The safety was on. No, impossible, he turned it off just before he finished his letter.. Unless...
Ciels eyes slowly fluttered open and slowly he glanced to his side to see no other.... Then Sebastian at his side.
Such sorrow in the demons eyes.
He looked as if he was about to cry.
The note crumpled in his gloved hand.
"Young master...
You were willing to kill yourself..
All because I left...?"
The gun dropped from the boys hand and tears once again welled up in his blue eyes. The two tightly embraced, the younger held securely in the demons arms. Several kisses were given to the bluenette, upon his cheeks, upon his forehead, his lips.
"My lord..
I've always loved you..
Yet I feared admitting so.
Fearing that it would just put you in danger.
I realize now that leaving you would put you in more danger..."
The young Earl sniffled, grabbing at the demons hair and yelling in frustration yet sadness
"Don't ever leave my side again! Do you hear me, Sebastian?! I need you! I.... I need you~"
Their lips crashed together, how they moved together so perfectly like instruments moving along in a symphony.
"Never again...
My lord...
I'll stay by your side..
Until the end."
"Promise me?"
"I promise"
If only it had ended that way.
If only Ciel was in Sebastian's arms..
Still alive
Still breathing
But the demon was too late...
He had changed his mind too late..
There he lie, huddled over on the wooden floor
A small corpse in his arms
Blood staining his uniform and silken gloves
Tears running down his porcelain cheeks
"I love you too......"
He mumbled.
But it was far too late to say such words.
Mistakes were made
And regrets were to follow~

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