Wake Up

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"Sebastian! Sebastian!"
The demon had tears trickling down his pale chilled cheeks as he held the corpse of his lover, crying, sobbing, yet he heard his master call for him. He didn't understand, was his mind playing tricks on him now? How cruel, how saddening, to hear Ciel when he no longer was alive. He was dead, the proof was in his very arms, so why must his heart suffer further by having to hear his delusional mind create such a false truth, to hear his beloved Ciel.
"Sebastian! Sebastian, wake up! Wake up! That's an order!"
The reality in which he sought as real began to swirl and dissolve around him, dissolving into black. Slowly however, his eyes fluttered open to see the truth. Ah, he had been sleeping. He could feel warm tears that had stained his cheeks, small arms wrapped around his chest tightly, saddened sniffles. There was Ciel, Ciel Phantomhive, his lover, alive, breathing, crying... Over him?
The bluenette looked up to the demon, eyebrows furrowed angrily yet tears glistening in his bicolored eyes
"You had me worried you idiot! Crying in your sleep, what kind of a demon are you to cry... Tch.."
Despite his harsh words, his voice was shaky with unease, his small body shaking in what seemed like utter worry, perhaps even fear. Sebastian's eyes widened but he didn't say a word. Instead he pulled the younger up so he lied against his chest, his skinny yet strong arms wrapping around the boy so tightly, lovingly, how he never wished to let go.
"Y-young master....."
Was all the demon could manage to say. Indeed, how human of him to cry over a nightmare, but a terrible nightmare it had been. To imagine a life without Ciel, to imagine a bloody corpse in his arms, the very thought of his nightmare brought more tears to his eyes.
"Sebastian... What is the meaning of this.. y-you're hugging me too damn tight.."
The younger mumbled, having had his face pressed against the elders chest, but he didn't squirm away, truly enjoying this embrace.
"My lord..... I love you. That is the truth, that will always remain the truth... I love you, so very much. I'll never leave you, I'll always stay at your side. Until the end."
Ciel nuzzled the demons chest, letting out a relieved sigh hearing those words, sniffling a bit still.
"I love you too.... You shall never leave my side, Sebastian.
That is an order.
Hold me in your arms..
A small smile formed on the mans lips, ever so grateful to have a breathing master in his arms
"Yes.... My lord"
Indeed, happy endings are far better than bad ones.
Wake up and find your happy ending.

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