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katthekitten: OMG

katthekitten: ASDFGDFGdsafkj asdja dne mijael!!1112

michael5sos: are you alright? mijael waw

katthekitten: you..just...ruined my day

katthekitten: :'(

michael5sos: what

michael5sos: why :((((

katthekitten: calum and luke posted cover of adele rolling in the deep. and guess what. YOU WEREN'T THERE. EXPLAIN. BITCH.

katthekitten: i call my close friend bitch for fun, don't be mad k

michael5sos: SORRYY, I was busy !! As soon as I was done with lyrics I got a call from my mom but we made cover of blink 182 miss you :)) your favorite song!

katthekitten: OMG

katthekitten: you the bestest!! im going to listen to it yaay

michael5sos: bestest?

katthekitten: don't you dare to judge me.

michael5sos: im not <3 aw im your close friend? sweet awe awe awe

katthekitten: i have known you for 2 weeks now! yayyy

michael5sos: now you're more than my body guard! you're my friend yas

katthekitten: omg famous michel said that i am his friend, im so honored to be your friend micheal

michael5sos: i prefer mikey,my dear perry

katthekitten: okay mikey , i prefer kate or kat

michael5sos: kk perry


i hope you guys like it so far, ^__^ well it is going to be more interesting soon, xx

Dms Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now