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Katthekitten: what are you doing ❤️

Michael5sos: we are having an audition 😂 there is a dude named Ashton

Katthekitten: and?

Michael5sos: he is a great drummer,very positive and has an amazing laugh lmao but omg

Katthekitten: omg he seems amazimg but???

Michael5sos: he..hates...FIFA LIKE EVERYONE LOVES FIFA!

Katthekitten: omg. Listen me. He seems great and because of stupid Fifa game you aren't going to give him a chance !?

Michael5sos: Fifa isn't stupid and we gave him a chance already man

Katthekitten: omgmgn yasyya

Michael5sos: i was just thinking and

Michael5sos: when will we meet each other?

Katthekitten: i dunno :() maybe when you'll be traveling for tour you'll come and visit me?;D

Michael5sos: ohhhhh oakkakay

Katthekitten: i have to go now Jason is waiting

Michael5sos: i don't care but bye

Katthekitten: rude

Katthekitten: bye?

Dms Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now