Tag #3

27 3 4

1. Sweet or salty?

2. Spicy or bitter?

3. Dragons or unicorns?

4. Fairies or mermaids?
Ugh this is hard.... Mermaids, I guess

5. Cats or dogs?

6. Morning or evening?
I can wake up early, but that's usually for school, so evening

7. Winter or summer?

8. Minecraft or Roblox?

9. Waffles or pancakes?
Erm... both? Fine, I'll choose waffles

10. Like this tag or don't like?
Well, I made it, so like?

Now tag 5 people! If you want to. And if this tag comes back around to you, then, um... cool!
Brambleclaw4Ever CloudKitten04 emmabrown44 littlepink4 MysteriousCurl
You can repost this in the comments or in your own book. :)

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