Magical Realism - Short Story

37 2 8

19 October 2015

Luna walked up the hiking trail, relishing the faint scent of pines and the ferns brushing her boots. This trail was her favorite to hike, for it thrived with wildlife.

Though she spoke no words, it was not silent. Bird song rang out sweetly, and leaves whispered, branches swaying in the breeze. The moss-cushioned, needle-strewn, forest floor softened her footsteps, hiding her presence from the other animals.

As she padded up the steep incline, panting, a runner passed her. The two acknowledged each other with a nod.

After some time, a lady in a hot pink jumpsuit with a small brown dog approached. Her eyes were wide with wonder.

"A full grown stag," she said, indicating behind her. "Beautiful creature with a head full of points. Would've taken a selfie with it if Ernie hadn't scared it away. 'Ts long gone now." Lune gave the lady a smile and stepped off the narrowing path to let her pass. Ernie, the dog, looked up at her and whimpered.

As Luna continued farther up, she encountered some footprints in the mud. They were fresh and, evidently, those of a deer. A stag, to be specific.

Luna felt her heart begin to beat with excitement; she loved those gentle creatures.

So, she followed its poorly hidden trail through brambles and dew-adorned bracken. The forest was in its prime, and she was bathed in the warm, earthy aroma of all the lush foliage. Thorns snagged her skin, and twigs clutched at her silvery blonde hair. Yet, she continued her hunt with not a sound.

And, there it was, standing tall and lithe in the clearing: te stag.

It was massive, its impressive crown of prongs thickly coated in velvet. Its sleek, copper pelt became shaggy around its neck and chest, like a mane. It chewed the grass, its eyes flicking back and forth nervously. But, who could blame it? It was born to take flight from predators.

Luna stepped closer and closer, creeping forward. She was so close, only a few meters away. Two meters. One meter. And then, a twig snapped beneath her foot. The stag's tail sprang up, and it bleated, eyes wild. Quick as lightning, Luna shot her hand out. The animal froze, but it trembled under the girl's touch.

"There you go., don't be afraid," Luna murmured softly, calming the great beast with the light touch of her fingers. Slowly, she stepped forward, whispering soothing words all the while, until her hand rested on its nape. The stag lowered its head and grunted. Luna smiled and locked eyes with the noble creature.

Then, she lunged, sinking her fangs into its throat.

Happy early halloween, everyone! What did you think of my story? Did you expect that ending :D?

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