Tag #4

31 1 7

1. Skellys or zambies?
Skellys! Zambies are just jelly of their intelligence. Hence, their longing for brains. Actually, now that I think about it.... Skellys are cowards! But at least they don't infect villagers. Ugh.... I'm gonna go with skellys again.

2. Wither or Enderdragon?
I think the Nether is way cooler than the End (though Minecraft is gonna fix that in the new update!), but I like dragons. And please, a three-headed, legless skeleton? Where on earth did this come from? Plus, one has to actually make the wither. The Enderdragon spawns by itself. So, Enderdragon!

3. Ocelot or wolf?
Honestly, ocelots have little use. They're supposed to keep creepers away, but it never works for me for some reason. Anyway, who wouldn't like creepers :). Until they blow up my house. Right.... Dogs on the other paw, they only need to be tamed with a bone (easy! Skellys are everywhere!), and they don't run away when you try to tame them!!! Also, they protect you, not just from one mob, but from any mob that harms you. And, you can tell how much health they have by their tail. Cats, their tail always looks the same! And dogs are so easy to breed! Once you tame two, you could feed them rotten flesh (which is so cheap. Watch out zambies!) and save the good meat for yourself. The dogs don't care; it's meat. But the cats, they must have fish! Not cooked fish (I made that mistake), not pufferfish, not nemo fish! It's gotta be just fish! Furthermore, sure, there are three cat skins, but you can't change their collar! Dogs can be, like, 20 different colors!
Just because the cats look cute doesn't make them better. Now, irl, it's different. I love cats! But are there creepers irl? No. Do I have to feed my cats fish to make them like me? No (although they do like fish!). Thus, wolves are the best (wow, when did this answer turn into a rant?).

4. Sword or pickaxe?
Pickaxe. Way more useful tbh

5. Nether or End?
Nether is more interesting.

6. Cobble or netherrack?
Erm... cobble?

7. Sheep or pig?

8. Horse or cow?

9. Bat or squid?

10. Like this tag or don't like?

Tag 5 people if you want! If it comes back to you, you're cool!
You can repost this in the comments or in your own book. :)

WillowThunder WattyWarriorCats sparktail Skalya MysteriousCurl

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