Chapter 22

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Aye!!! I'm so sorry its been so long! My phone broke so I couldn't update. I made this chapter extra long so maybe its makes up for lost time. Anyways!! Enjoy the pasta~


(Alex's POV)

Silence. That was all I could hear as we were driving to Texas. I was in the back seat while Jeff was in the passenger seat and Thomas was driving. He hasn't even said a word since we got in the car. I dont know whats up with him but somethings not right.

(Thomas's pov)

Numb. Thats the only way I can describe how I feel right now.
Im fully aware of my surroundings but I still feel distant. Like im not entirely there. Almost like im watching a movie and the only think i know is what the movies about.

My mission.


(Alex's POV)

"The map says we are about 6 miles out" Jeff said looking confused.
"I don't see a facility tho?" He looked up from the map.

I sighed, "This is top security shit Jeff. Its not gonna light up like fire works" he nodded and we noticed The car start to slow down.
Thomas turn the head lights off and took the key out.
He popped the trunk and got out.

We all walked to the back off the car and I was kinda shocked that Thomas brought all this stuff.
There were at least 15 different knives and 3 sets of black clothing.

"Well, we going ninja?" I joked. Jeff cracked a smile but I was mostly trying to get something out of Thomas.
All I got was ,"Put them on, grab 5 knives." He said sternly.

I did as he said and so did Jeff. The clothes were well fitted and perfect for moving around swiftly but I didn't think I would need the knives.
I grabbed them anyways and put them in the harnesses on my pants. I felt like I was Spec Ops.

When I turned around I saw Thomas and Jeff both ready. Suddenly Jeff spoke up.
"Where did you get that knife?" He said gesturing towards the Black and silver blade Thomas held firmly.

He didn't even acknowledge Jeff's question.
He just stood there, staring out into the pitch blackness.

(Jeff's POV)

What ever is wrong with Thomas has to be fixed. This is not Thomas. I'll make sure to talk to Slendy when we get back home.

I watched Thomas as he stood perfectly still almost like a statue. I didn't know what he was doing but before I could say anything, he began walking into the darkness.

Me and Alex followed along with him before he stopped and crouched down.

He brushed dirt aside and stopped when he uncovered a metal hatch.

(Thomas's POV)

I unwillingly grabbed the hatch handle and turn it. It popped open and I was hit with an unearthly smell. It smelled like a mix of must and rotting flesh.

'What is this place?' I thought to myself as I began climbing down into the dark hole.
I looked up to almost complete darkness but I think Alex was above and then Jeff.

"Should we leave the hatch open?" I heard Jeff ask from above.
I thought for a second. If we leave it open we have a good escape route, but what if someone from the facility finds it open?

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