Chapter 25

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Aye! What's up?? Nothing? Good, that means you can read dis butterful chapter! Also sorry for the long wait but I'll just let you read :)
Enjoy the pasta~


(Thomas's POV)

Zalgo sat in his throne with his famous smirk stapled to his face.

Realization hit me and I looked at my arm which was still attached to me but I couldn't feel it.
I gave Zalgo a confused look and he automatically knew what I was thinking.

"Your brain doesn't realize that your arm is back. Its gonna take a few minutes for the feeling to come back." He said. I hurt the sound of flames crackling and I turned and saw 173 and Kate fall onto the ground.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked Zalgo.
"I'm holding them unconscious so I can speak to you privately." He said and I just nodded in return.
"Now I'm sure your probably wondering what is the point of all this. Thomas, you have a very high level of skill when it comes to combat. Unfortunately you only use your full potential when your angry. I want to make you better, I want you to be able to use that skill whenever you choose." He paused. I understood what he meant. At the facility I took out at least 5 guards alone but when the Kate attacked me she beat me. Then again it was kind of unfair.
" My point is... I need your help, and I'm sure you need mine. Train these kids for me. Lead them to the point where they would follow you to the very end and in turn I will not only have taught you how to use that untapped potential, I will also give you stage 2 immortality." Zalgo said and for the first time ever, I felt that he was sincere. He didn't even have a smirk on his face.

"So like, partners?" I asked as the idea of me being partners with Zalgo.

"Thomas, by doing this you are helping me out very much. I need someone to have my back out there because I can't. If there is anything you need, you come to me" he said causing something to switch in me.

I felt needed and trusted. There is one thing me and Zalgo have in common, power. Even though that type of power might be a little different we can still help each other get it.

I nodded and he smiled. I heard some graining coming from behind me and I looked to see Kate and 173 getting up off the ground.

"Oww, my head " Kate groaned.
"Yeah its pretty big" 173 said with a chuckle. Kate replied with a punch causing him to yelp. I just laughed and turned back to Zalgo who awaiting patiently.

Zalgo cleared his throat," Now that we are all here I would like to you why you are here."

"Yeah that would be nice" Kate said still rubbing her head.

"You are here so you can become more. Before you arrived here you were lost and were weak. Now I have brought you three together to make you strong." Zalgo paused. I looked around and saw Kate trembling.

"Some of you have been hurt, some more than others. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter who has been hurt more. The only thing that matters is that you embrace that pain" he finished.

I looked back at Kate who seemed okay now.

"Now there are also rules. Until I say so you live in that house, you sleep in that house. When ever you go in to town you must stay anonymous and you must never reveal yourself to anyone!" Zalgo said raising his voice. The last part seemed to be directed at me but I didn't say anything.

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