Chapter 34

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Hello! I have returned and I have brought you all a chapter! It's not anything special but it's a start for me. The stuff that has happened to me recently has been crazy and it caused me to kind of...disconnect.
I can't make any promises but I will do everything I can to at least finish this story. The sequel might be far off but it will come. Thank you for all of the continued support. It means more than you know.
Enjoy the pasta~
(Thomas's POV)

Its been about a week since I woke up here and I'm already wanting to leave. The only thing that's stopping me is these wounds. The one on my arm is pretty much closed but the one on my shoulder... That's a different story. Its been so long since I've felt real pain so this shit actually hurts.

I sighed as I got up from the window to walk over to the bed. The bandages that covered my shoulder hindered my movement a little so I had to be gentle. Other weird shit has also been going on. Like, I can't contact Zalgo through my mind anymore for some reason. I could should call him by blood but I don't know if it would heal like it usually does, or if it would take forever.

A soft knock was heard from the door.
"Come in" I said as I sat against the wall.

I watched Anna come in slowly with a plate of food. It smelled pretty good but for some reason the idea of eating didn't fit right. In fact after that things blood filled my mouth that night its been all I've been able to taste.

"Hi, I brought you some food" She said setting the plate down beside me.

"Thanks." I responded with a chuckle.

"What?" She asked, her brow furrowed.

"Nothing.... So this is your room huh?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, pretty nice right?" She replied.

"Totally, pink is my favorite color" I joked but she took it well.

"Anyways, sorry that you haven't been able to sleep in here." I said as I picked at the food.

"Its fine honestly you need it more than me anyways" she said with a small smile. Her green eyes sparkle brightly through her golden hair. I figured she must have just woken up.

"Maybe but don't worry you'll have it back soon." I said as I slowly got up to hand her back the plate.

"Are you leaving already?" She asked with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah I have people who are probably worried sick about me." I watched as she hung her head in defeat.

"But I could use a shower before I go and It would be nice if you could wrap my arm when Im done." I said as I lifted her chin. She quickly nodded and left with a smile.

She's a nice girl I thought to myself before walking into the bathroom.

(Jeff's POV)

"Jeff just be patient. Alex is to return today safe and sound. " I heard Slendy say as I walked towards the door.

"Fuck you" I said as I walked out the front door. I heard  him yell that I'm a dick but i didn't care.

They made a stupid decision without me knowing and they don't understand why I'm mad? Fuck em.

I was going to get Alex myself and I was gonna punch Thomas in the fucking throat.


Dry leaves crunched under my footsteps as i walked through the forest towards Thomas's house. I knew was getting close when the trees began to lose their leave and the shrubs began to wither away as I moved deeper into the dead forest. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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