I Know You're Not Like The Others

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Jynxx's pov

As Johnnie took me to my house, I let him put his phone number in my phone. But why? He was a nice guy, but did I love him? No. Love's for suckers. I don't need it. It's just not for me....


As I began to wander the halls searching for the one whom I loved the most, I heard him talking about me with his friends. He was a sort of punk rock guy, who I really had a crush on. But I couldn't tell him, the only way I could talk to him was with a friend of mine who he knew.

"Jynxx is a total stuck up bitch, ya know. She's just so weird and stupid..." He giggled aloud.
"Dude.... I think she heard..." his best friend whimpered. I died. I've poured out my heart and soul to him.... and he broke it....

"Oh Jynxx hey..." He said, trying to act sad.
"Wow, I love you and you're gonna go breaking my heart... how could you?..." I said beginning to cry.
"Oh, we're can start over...." He said getting closer to me.
"Why?! Why?! How can I pick up the pieces of my heart?! What's so good about picking up the pieces? What if I don't even want to?..." I said as I ran home, just lo lock myself away in the prison I called a mind.....

*end of flashback*

I was only going to be broken again. And I can't let that happen. As I began to drift off into my mind as I began to play music and write poetry, I heard a knock on my room door. It was my mom.

"Can I come in Jynxx?" She smiled as she opened the door, which I hated, because she's gonna come in anyway. "Course mom, what's up." I asked. "Well that emo boy you met is at the door, and he asked if you guys could hang out for a bit, your dad is fine with it, bit it has to be on that bench outside the fence. Maybe he could be your little guy friend, I really don't mind. You need someone you can talk to..." She said slyly. They always do this.... try to pair me up with people.... I hate it. But I do need a friend. I got up and went to the door to see him standing there.

Johnnie's pov

She was beautiful. She had a beanie on now though, I'm guessing because it's kinda cold now. I smiled at her and thanked her parents for letting us get to be friends.

As we sat on the bench, she managed to smile dimly. She giggled at me but stopped herself fast.

"Why do you do that...?" I asked her. "Do what....?" She frowned, "Well you constantly giggle or laugh, but then you stop... like you're gonna die, or something." I said. "Oh, and didn't even realize I still do that..."She whimpered. I frowned at her, "Well, I can tell you do it a lot. But you don't have to with me. I'm not good with pretending to be something you're not. Please don't do it anymore... cause your laugh is beautiful.... your giggle is beautiful.... your smile is beautiful..... you're just..... beautiful......" it's like I couldn't control myself from saying that. It just came out. She began to cry.
"You're such a sweet person... I just.... have self esteem problems... I've been.... thrown down allot...." She managed to say as she smiled at me, getting closer to me. I hugged her, trying to make her feel comfortable.

"I can tell... but with me, you can be who you are... and I won't hurt you like they have.... I swear..." I said, she looked me in the eyes and said, "I know you're not like the others......"

Life's Not Perfect, But With You It Sure Feels Like It (Johnnie Guilbert fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now