Chapter #3: Hidden Lake

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A/N hey guys, last chapter is 3 pages hahah yay did it! this time i'm gonna try for 5 pages! i know i can i know i can hhahaha this chapter is basicly the begining of Dane coming to life and jamie slowly disappears as Dane starts to show himself more and more.

wish me luck!

~Ghosty n_n


Running, gotta keep running.... I have to get there now , away from everything, away from school, away from my mother, away from people, away from my fears....Running through the thick forest, I finally break free into the small clearing of the cliff, slowing down I pick up whatever i could find, throwing it out into the lake

"how did this all happen!?" clenching my hands tight i find another rock to throw

"Why is this happening to me!!? of all people me! how the hell was I not aware of anything!!!" screaming like a madman i could feel the tears  staring to build up., god i hated how weak i could be sometimes! after what seemed like hours of screaming and crying, I sat at the ledge of the cliff looking down at the lake...the water looked so blue today, it was beautiful.. if only there were under water creatures down there... taking my cell phone out to check the time i notice the 7 messages from my mother and 6 from my sister asking where i was and why i wasn't at school... i've never really told them about this place...I guess i never would... i don't want them coming here and dragging me home to bitch at me... ingoring their messages i put my cell back in my back pack and undress to my sports bra and boxers, i needed to swimm a bit or the heat will surely get to me. With a running start i jump off the cliff and into the lake and man was it ever refreshing! swimming around was great, i would go under for about 4 mins exploring the waters like i always did and would go back up for air only to go back down again to do the same thing just in a new spot. it was so relaxing that sometimes i would do this for 4 hours striaght.

swimming towards the shore i notice something walking along the small open field of grass, it look like a boy my age, why wasn't he in school? going under to get closer faster i get to when i could start to walk the rest of the way but when i surfaced the boy was gone. walking on the shore line i search where he could have gone,but he was no wehre in sight. After a bit of searching  i finally gave up and headed up the cliff to sun bathe.



While walking home, i tried to take as long as i could, i wasn't wanting to get there in a rush only to be yelled at for missing my afternoon classes. So instead of  going to the door i slip through my window and get into some lazy clothes, which was just some new batman boxers and a plain black t-shirt. Knowing my mom wouldn't come down here i open then closed my door just loud enough to know i was home, and thank god i was right about her not coming down here. walking around my room bored i check the time, 10:30 pm thinking that there wasn't much to do anyways i go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and head for bed, gezz what will i do tomorrow.. i can't face everyone again... not like what happen today...


 Walking to school yet again, due to the fact i couldn't face my mom, i get there by 8 and was off to the breakfastclub. Walking into the classroom there was only the teachers who ran it, thank god for that... grabing an apple and some chocolate i rush out and head to the old oak tree. Even though it was a beautiful day, i knew it was gonna be tough...and for the third time this week i'll probably just run away from it all and go to the hidden lake, like i always do.

After what seemed like forever and getting over a billion stares, little finger pointing ,snickering and just plain blunt comments on my sexuality and outfit , it was now lunch time, and i was ready to tune out and sit under my oak tree once again today.Putting my stuff away i noticed that someone had slipped a letter into my locker, picking it up and unfolding it, it read

Dear Loser,

You are disguesting, wanting to change your gender, you know god made you a girl why would you want to go agaisnt him? why would you choose that, you selfish person! you were born a girl! not a boy! do you have a dick? nope, do you have a flat chest? not really, not matter how much you try, all things point out that you are in fact a giiiiirl! freak!

yours truely, EVERYONE

keeping myself from crying  i lock my locker and put the note in my pocket, better to have proof if this gets any worse am i right. Pluging myself into my ipod i which the song to Radioactive from Imagine Drangons and blast it as i walked down the hall ways. I really didn't want to hear their irish whispers at the moment.

Today in drama we were going through our plays, well thats what they did yesterday and i was one of the last people,  so after waiting about 35 mins of waiting it was my turn and everyone was kicked out to the halls to quietly work on their plays.

"so what are you gonna pull out of your sleve this time Jamie?" Mrs.cooper asked riseing an eye brow

"well i need a spot light in the center of the room,  but dim it a bit, and add the red, yellow and blue shades with it only in the back , have them dimmed too please." i always liked to prove that i wasn't that stupid not to think of something.

" alrighty" she said as she did what i had asked of her. looking over at me she a wait what i am planing, so walking up to  center stage i take my place and ask for all light to be out at the begining.

" on my count Mrs.cooper! 3..2...1!" this was my time to shine

" Mickey, you’re so fine

You’re so fine you blow my mind Hey Mickey, Hey Mickey   Mickey, you’re so fine   You’re so fine and you’re mine I’ll be yours till the end of time Cause you make me feel You make me feel So shiny and new   Like a virgin Touched for the very first time Like   Like the one in me That’s O.K. Let’s see how you do it Put up your dukes Let’s get down to it   Hit me with your best shot Why don’t you hit me with your best shot Hit me with your best shot Fire away Na na na Come on Na na na na na Come on, come on, come on Cause I may be bad But I’m perfectly good at it Sex in the air I don’t care I love the smell of it Sticks and stones may break my bones But chains and whip excite me Cause I may be bad But I’m perfectly good at it Sex Sex baby Let’s talk about you and me Let’s talk about all the good things And the bad things that may be Let’s talk about sex Alright   Let’s talk about sex A little bit, a little bit Let’s talk about sex, baby   Baby, all through the night I’ll make love to you Like you want me too And I   And I guess it’s just the woman in you That brings out the man in me I know I can’t help myself You’re all in the world to me   It feels like the first time It feels like the very first time It feels like the first time"~~~~~~~~

looking up at Mrs.coopers amazed face told me i did perfect, and in which made me smirk as i knew i'm totally geting and A for this project. Hearing the bell i waved goodbye and rushed out the door to walk to my locker as fast as i could. It was time for a good swimm after that, it was a prize really plus its not like i'm skipping to go sit around somewhere and get fat, i'm going swimming, i'll be moving everywhere.


A/N hello! just letting you know that the part that shows Dane is when he is singing, Jamie would never sing that song infront of anyone, cause she would be to shy to do so and wouldn't want people to make fun of her for picking it,  but nope Dane doesn't care what others think! hope you enjoyed this chapter!

vote and comment if you want please! ^o^

FtM Transgender???Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora