1| Cool Rider

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Here is Cool Rider.

Cara's POV

"C'mon dad I'm getting impatient here" I finished putting on my gloves "Cara if you want to go biking you will be patient" I groaned this is seriously taking forever "dad! come on!" the twins come into the garage "HOLD ON!" that's what he said ten minutes ago "he doesn't usually take this long what was he doing? 5 minutes later my dad made a appearance finally.

"Bout time dad" my dad glared at Kade I chuckled and mounted my baby the most important thing in my life my bright orange Yamaha 450 dirt bike this think is amazing "alright let's go ready boys?" dad asked Kade & Drew they nodded and mounted their bikes I'm Cara Lynn Preston I'm 18 years old I live with my dad & twin brothers my mom died when I was 12.

I have Drew the oldest by 2 seconds than there is Kade he was born 2 seconds later, Drew has dirty blonde hair that has carmel highlights then Kade has Auburn hair with slight blech bonde highlights, Drew has light green eyes like Harry Styles than Kade has our dad's baby blue eyes.

"Cara you ready sweetie?" I nodded, than I have the best dad on the planet he taught me everything I need to know about cars and bikes pretty much anyting with wheels "than let's go kids" I smile and kick started the bike to life I grinned as it roared to life I fastend my helmet and hit the gas and I was off towards the track.

I hit a few jumps so did my brothers and dad I laughed and went faster I hit a few more jumps and made it to the race track it was open on Sundays for practice also they let everybody screw around during the week which they practice but Firday & Saturdays are race day.

I stopped at the gate Ian was working he rides to I took off my helmet and smiled "Car I was wondering when you were going to make it" I smiled and hugged him my dad and little brothers came in a few seconds after "hey Ian" my dad slide off his helmet he shook Ian's hand "hey Mr. Preston you still got it, I was wonering where Cara got her talent from" I smiled.

"Yeah I was wondering the same thing" my dad chuckled "is anybody else here besides us today?" je looked at his sign in sheet "yep just kids practicing for Friday's race" we nodded and signed in I put my helmet back on and made my to the track.

Ian wasn't kidding there was people here there was 6 biked out there I shrugged and rode past them and jumping one of the jumps I laughed and did a few tricks then wen tpast them again but stopped and turned of my bike and slid of my helmet I heard gasps "Cara Preston?" I smirk I know these chumps they are on the schools football team and Kody Miller's friends.

The schools hottest quarter back he is also a sweetheart he's actually better than Jace Ryan last years quarter back aslo Ak my stupid boyfriend at the moment he's and idiot and flirts with every girl he sees "where's your pretty Jace Ryan?" I looked a Jake Simms the schools bad boy player "why would I give two shits where he is?" they looked at me surpised.

"You mean he doesn't try to control you?" I looked at Trey Hernadez the schools sweet heart and running back I scoffed "please he's the bitch in the relationship" they looked at me then bursted out laughing "you call your boyfriend a bitch?" Gavin Bolton asked now there is a hottie for you Gavin is 6'2 and he is 230lbs he is the quarter backs 2nd hand man.

"I call him worse trust me" the shook their heads "wow Jace Ryan's girlfriend? what do I owe this pleasure?" I turn around and see the quarterback himself Kody Miller he has dark green eyes that look deep down intoyour soul he had dirty blonde hari he was the tallest he is 6'6 250lbs.

I smield "I came to apologize to your friends" he nodded he walked up to me and stared into my eyes I was only 5'8 so I am not that short I get the tallness from both of my parents "I didn't know Jace's little girlfriend was allowed of her leesh, you know since he is a dumbass and all" I laughed "you got that right" he looked at me confused.

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