He's a huge liar mcLiar face!

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Levy walked to school sadly. Gajeel was terribly sick and she felt bad, he was so sick he wouldn't let her come, in fear of getting her sick. She had texted him this morning her head hurt and he made her stay home. He was a little.... to caring sometimes. She walked to the bus stop and saw him standing there. Levy felt something swell up inside of her. She screamed in her throat and Gajeel turned to her. He went wide eyed as he saw her throw her bag at him. He fell back and had a red bag mark on his face. "You huge mcliar face!!" She screamed at him. "Kill em!" Natsu yelled from his spot on the tree branch. Gajeel growled and looked away. Levy noticed he had ash marks on his face.

  Levy's day was pretty much ruined. So much the teachers noticed and refereed her to the counselors. "What seems to be the problem?" Macao asked the girl. She sighed and shook her head. "Nothing Mr. Macao. Just annoyed today. A huge liar mcliar face lied to me." She huffed. Macao laughed and picked up his phone calling for Gajeel.

  "I don't see the big deal!" Gajeel yelled. Levy found it funny really. She was so quiet and agreed with the teachers, while he would yell and smart mouth. "You lied to me, even said not to go to your house." Levy sighed. Macao nodded and greatly appreciated her calmness. "You two should just bang and get over it" He explained. Levy jumped and instantly blushed. Gajeel got more mad and picked him up by the collar. "What type of counselor are you?!" Gajeel yelled in his face. Macao snickered when he saw his blush on his cheeks. "A good one! I only tell the truth. Besides Vice principal Mira agrees." He smirked. "Excuse me, but aren't schools supposed to prevent sex?" Levy rose an eyebrow. "We're Fairy Tail, we don't follow rules," he shrugged, "Unless we get sued. Then Couch Erza would kill us all" he shivered. Levy groaned, yes she loved this school, but it was to much sometimes.

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