Chapter 3

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"Rainie !"

I squinted my eyes at the bright sun rays shining to see who was calling me.

"Hey, Alden ! I was about to look for you too." I adjusted my bag onto my back, and approached him.

"Really !" He grinned at me.

"Now, if you don't mind, let's just head for the canteen." I smiled at him, rubbing my grumbling tummy.

Lessons ended without anyone noticing my absence in class for an hour, except Joanne of course. And the most funniest thing was, I didn't get called up to the office. Seems like truancy wasn't a big deal after all. I gave a shrug as I followed Alden to the canteen.

I would say, if not for my knight in shining armour, the many students in the canteen would have given me killing stares that held hatred, but for now, I was having a grand entrance with all eyes on us. Not us, him to be specific. I rolled my eyes keeping a comfortable distance away from me, buying my lunch.

"Potato salad, a burger and a coke please."

I carried my tray onto an empty table and started eating. For goodness sake, Joanne was missing when the bell chime rang, and immediately dashed off the class without mentioning anything to me. I slumped my shoulders wearily. Something was obviously fishy with Joanne. 

"Wow, you sure eat alot." Alden walked towards my table, cutting the thoughts away in my mind. He was carrying a burger and a coke, looking amused by the huge appetite I have. I snorted at him, which totally came out wrong. Laughing at my snort, he started looking at my thighs and legs, giving me creeps. Shaking his head in disapproval ,he said "You look fat. Look at all those flabby fats."

I looked at my thighs and legs and well, it was a fact indeed. The corners of my mouth bend downwards showing a sad face, which he chuckled and said, " Well, all girls should be told that they are pretty, even if they aren't. " He paused, "You're pretty."

I stuck out my tongue which ended up food chunks of my disgusted burger dropped out , which wasn't a pleasant sight to see when having your food. He laughed at my burger and said , "This is why mamas say don't talk with your mouth full." which I returned a glare to him.

"Yeah, I have one great mum here in front of me." I rolled my eyes and wiggled my eyebrows.

We started having a casual conversation, about him and the life in the state he lived. Well, he did crack some jokes, if not I would have doze into sleep listening to him talk.



"Have you tried taking off your glasses?"


"I think you have a pretty face without those thick glasses."



My cheeks immediately reddened as I could feel it getting warmed.

"Blushing seems good on you too." Making me blush even further and harder , he saw and laughed even further and harder. I was probably not used to all these compliments , besides only a lunatic like him would have said such nonsense.

Made me happy for nothing though , when I thought I was really pretty , reality told me I was a fat ugly duckling.

"Don't flatter me ," I laughed sheepishly covering my tomato-red cheeks.

As I held up my coke , I saw Alden looking at a direction behind me, his eyes fixed . But he quickly looked back at me with a serious face and said ,"I've got something on. I'll catch up with you later !"

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