Part 4

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*4 Days Until Christmas*

"Morning Judicorn!" Mariana chirped cheerfully when Jude stumbled into the kitchen that morning. As far as Jude could tell, they were the only ones up. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine," Jude mumbled, grabbing a mug and pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"I wouldn't have pegged you as a coffee drinker," Mariana commented giggling.

"I wouldn't have either, but then college happened and well, you know," Jude replied.

"You're telling me," Mariana said, still laughing gently. "So you and Connor still need to get gifts for each other."


"And I was thinking that I should probably take Connor," she continued. Jude gave her a raised eyebrow, wondering what she might be up to. "Don't give me that, do you really want Moms or Brandon or Jesus or Callie taking him?" Jude shook his head. "That's what I thought. Plus, I know the kind of stuff you like better than anyone else."

Jude heard heavy footsteps from behind him, as well as the tell-tale clicking of Connor's crutches, turning around to wave good morning and immediately wishing he hadn't. Connor had wandered into the kitchen shirtless, wearing only his pajama pants that he had slept in. Jude gulped, staring at Connor's bare chest for a few brief seconds, before turning back and intently studying his cup of coffee, trying to fight off the blush that was creeping up his cheeks.

"Hey—" Mariana began addressing Connor before Jude wildly motioned for her to stop.

"You never talk to Connor before he's had his coffee, Mariana, never." Jude whispered harshly. He was only going to wave for a reason. Experience had told him that was the only safe gesture to make to Connor before he'd had any coffee. Do anything else and he was liable to bite your head off. Connor moved quickly (well as quickly as someone on crutches could move) around the kitchen, getting his cup and joining them at the table.

"He didn't seem to have any trouble talking to you yesterday morning while you were both still in your sleeping bag," Mariana retorted.

"Mariana! Were you eavesdropping on us?" Jude replied sharply, his head jerking up and a scowl spreading across his face. Connor's head perked up at the word "eavesdropping", curious to see how Jude would react to finding out that Mariana had been listening in on them.

"Oh, no Judicorn, that's not what I meant, I just heard you two talking. Not anything specific," Mariana explained quickly. Connor snorted at Jude's nickname, earning a glare from Jude before he turned his attention back to Mariana.

"Okay good. Because I just really hate when people make other conversations their own, it's just so rude and annoying," Jude commented, shaking his head gently. Connor nearly choked on his coffee; well then, he could never tell Jude about what he had heard now. "You alright Connor?" Jude asked as Connor spluttered.

"I—yeah," Connor gasped weakly, regaining his composure after a moment.

"Okay, so Connor you're going to be going with me today to get Jude his gifts," Mariana said, assuming it was probably safe to talk to him now.

"Gifts?" Jude questioned, quirking his head to the side.

"Yeah, I talked to moms and they decided that since he won't be getting presents from anyone else, you should give each other two instead of one."

"Okay." Jude just accepted the new development. There was nothing new that could be thrown at him that he wasn't ready for now. This break had been full of so many twists; the only thing Jude expected at this point was the unexpected.

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