Part 6

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*Christmas Morning*
Christmas in the Adams-Foster house always started late. It wasn't unusual for the family to be just starting gifts around 9:30-10:00 in the morning. But then again, each person usually only had one or two gifts to open, so it didn't take them more than a half hour to actually open everything.

Neither of them had woken up before the rest of the family, so in a turn of events quite similar to just five days earlier, Jude woke up to them all standing and watching them, whispering to each other. Today, though, Jude didn't care. After what happened the night before, it seemed pretty likely that this wasn't the last time he and Connor were going to wake up together in his house.

His family filed into the living room after seeing that Jude had woke up. Connor, on the other hand, was blissfully unaware to the commotion that was brewing around him. Jude smiled at the sight of the sleeping boy next to him, Connor's head hidden from view but his body practically all over Jude; his arms around Jude's torso, his (uninjured) leg laying across Jude's legs. Connor was peaceful, his body completely relaxed, in stark contrast to the tension radiating off of him when Jude had joined him on the couch late the night before.

Jude now had to wake Connor up; it was time to open their presents. Jude hated to do it; peaceful, sleeping Connor had honestly become his favorite Connor, but it had to be done.

"Connor?" Jude said softly, using the arm that wasn't wrapped around Connor to gently shake his shoulder as Jude turned his head, placing a kiss on the part of Connor's head closest to his lips.

"Mmmmmmm," Connor groaned, squeezing Jude tighter and trying to burrow his head deeper into Jude's neck. Jude giggled; Connor's short stubble tickled his skin. "Mmmmmm," Connor groaned again.

"Come on Connor," Jude said. "You need to get up. It's time to give out gifts."

"I don't wanna," Connor complained.

"Well, we'll just get started without you then," Jude countered, futilely trying to wriggle out of Connor's grip.

"Ugh, fine," Connor grunted, sitting up, keeping his arms firmly around Jude so that when they were both upright, Connor could still keep his head snugly in the crook of Jude's neck. Jude's moms looked at him curiously, but Jude just shrugged the shoulder Connor's head wasn't on, giving them a smile.

The next scene could only be described as one of utter chaos. Brandon, Jesus and AJ all scrambled to get their gifts from under the tree first, even as Stef screamed something at them about being "civil". They ended up in a jumbled mess of limbs on the floor, Mariana and Callie smugly stepping past them to grab their presents and settling down. Brandon was the first to untangle himself, quickly snatching up the wrapped box with his name on it, Jesus following close behind. AJ grabbed his next, and finally Stef and Lena entered the fray, grabbing the remaining presents and distributing them.

Jude was handed only a small box, a bit surprising since he expected Connor was going to have him open both of his gifts now (though he was waiting to give Connor his second gift until later too).

"I'll give you the other one after this is all over," Connor whispered, gesturing to what was quickly turning into a mess of wrapping paper as a loud cacophony of voices started to fill the room, confirming what Jude had been thinking.

"Okay," Jude nodded, since his words were lost in the commotion of the living room. "Now open yours first!" he continued, speaking louder and gesturing to the large box that Lena had placed on the couch next to Connor. Connor picked it up, ripping at the paper that Jude had used (which had basically turned into 50% tape, since Jude sucked at wrapping things), revealing a large brown box underneath the paper.

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