Chapter 11

271 24 1

April 7, 2015

Courtney and I have already broken up because she thinks that the relationship was too forced. I was frustrated at first because I really wanted it to work. But I have to focus on Austin and Ally first. We've only dated for a week. That's like the shortest relationship I've ever had.

By the way today we are back on set and we're rehearsing for "Burdens and Boynado" . I'm actually really excited for this episode. Raini's brother, Rico is here and we're finally gonna meet the members of Boynado.

Kevin: Ok guys ! It's a start of a new day ! Make it good ! And action !

• • •

Kevin: That was great but let's take it from the top until we get it right.

Whoo. Such a tiring day. We do one scene 5-7 times. Maybe I should get back in my dressing room.

As I was walking to my dressing room I see the crew taking down some of the things in set. It's kinda sad that we only have 3 weeks for the show. I'm absolutely gonna miss everyone.

I walked in and I see Raini, Calum, and Laura on the couch playing with my instruments.

Ross: What are you guys doing here ?

Raini: We got bored in our dressing rooms so we decided to crash in yours.

Ross: Wow. Thanks for not asking me.

Laura: Oh don't be a baby.

Ross: Remember in season 1 we had jamming sessions ?

Raini: Yeah. That was so fun.

Laura: Maybe we can do it another time.

Calum: Oh wait. I remember Raini and I are going to do something else.

Raini: Yeah. We have to shoot the scene where it's only Trish and Dez.

Ross: We start shooting tomorrow ?

Raini: Heath told us that we have an extra scene that wasn't part of the script. Come on Calum !

Calum: Bye !
                             ( Exit Calum and Raini)

Not convincible at all.

• • •

Ross: Clearly it was just an excuse to leave the both of us.

Laura: Yeah. By the way I heard that you're dating that Australian chick.

Ross: I did. But we broke up already.

Laura: Really ? That was so fast ! I didn't even get a chance to meet her. How did you guys meet ?

Ross: She was my friend's ex.

Laura: Whoa. Why did you break up ?

Ross: Well she thought the relationship was too forced and I also wanted to focus on the show.

Laura: Well that's great.


Ross: is it working with Big Machine ?

Laura: It's been incredible . I've been in the studio all day making songs.

Ross: Maybe we can make a collaboration in the future.

Laura: Yeah ! That would be amazing.

Ross: I'm totally looking forward for it.

Laura: I'm still so so sorry for what I've done.

Ross: What did you do ?

Laura: You know what happened. I rejected you which I still feel really really bad about.

Ross: Don't be. I shouldn't have told you something that you're not ready to hear ever. I think we should get back on set.

I stood up and walked towards the door until Laura said that I could never imagine her saying it.

Laura: Maybe I'm ready to hear it.

Ross: Wait...what ?

Laura: Maybe I'm re---

Ross: Yeah, I heard you. What do you mean you're ready ?

Laura: What I'm trying to say is that...

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