Chapter 18

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May 21, 2015

We're off to Orlando today to go to Madame Tussauds, a wax figure museum, were we will see the final product of my wax figure. I am so excited. Then after that we head to Disney World for a work trip. Off to promote "Teen Beach 2".

I'm really looking forward to see Laura. I mean were not anymore in that awkward stage after you break up. We're all good. Whatever happened to us in the past, that's over and we both have moved on. Laura and I are back to the way it was before.

• • •

Done with the seeing wax figure and it looked  sick. I can't believe they made something so similar to me. Now off to Disney World.

Now we're here in Disney World because we're promoting "Teen Beach 2 " and to celebrate "  THE COOLEST SUMMER EVER" 

We're told to stay here the whole time not like the other people who would need to leave in a certain time.

• • •

Laura: Hey bro !

Ross: Bro ? Really Laura ?

Laura: Come on, brother ! Don't be so sour ! We're here to have fun in the Happiest Place on Earth.

Ross: I'm going to let that go this time.

Laura: What do you mean ?

Ross: Forget it. Anyways, are you going to stay here the whole time ?

Laura: Yeah. I have nothing to do right now so I can stay here the whole day.

Ross: That's great. Me too. I'll be here the whole time.

Laura: What time is it already?

Ross: About five o' clock in the morning.

Laura: Wow. It's so early !

Laura and I talked more about other random things like music, her record deal and our upcoming projects.

• • •

It's 3 something in the afternoon and I am very tired. We went around Disney World, rode every ride, and ate every food from a store.

Now we're riding the Hollywood Tower thing ? Is that what you call it ? I think so.

So whatever. It was a fun and productive day, but some details should be left unsaid since it is still a secret.

• • •

Yuck I suck. Why can't. I post a normal chapter ?!?! Watched the Austin and Ally finale it was AMAZING ! You should definitely watch it. Even though you don't watch it that much. it was really GREAT. I even cries. Oh who am I kidding ! I cry in every movie I watch.

Sorry again. I feel really bad. I just need more inspiration. School has been a pain in the butt.

Oh and from now on it won't be the Bye 💕 it would be this one:

ily 💕 (since it is connected to my username)

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