Chapter One: Accident

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It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the Tweety birds are tweeting.....everything is at peace.

I stroll down the street until I reach my favorite cafe. I go inside and sit at my usual table. The smells of fresh coffee beans and chocolate mochas waft through the air. To me, it's heaven.

A girl wearing a green apron and her dark brown hair in a ponytail skates over to me and hands me the drink I usually choose in the morning.

"Here's your double chocolate mocha latte, Mark," she grins at me.

I thank her and she skates away.

Suddenly, a thought pops into my head......Why can't I find a nice girlfriend like that? A girl who knows my name, is as sweet as cherry pie, and brings me coffee in the morning.

Ha, yeah right. Never going to happen.

I stand to leave-and run right into a girl holding her coffee. It spills all over her chest and I'm struck speechless. All I can see is her beauty. Her long black hair wrapped in a present bow bun. Her emerald green eyes glancing up at me with anger.

Wait, what?

I snap back to real life and she's yelling at me with the whole cafe watching.

".....and how could you bump into me while I'm carrying my double chocolate mocha latte-"

I interrupt her, "You like double chocolate mocha lattes, too?"

She seems slightly stunned, "Well...yeah, they're my favorite drink."

I notice my smile getting wider, "Me, too!"

Now she seems really confused, "Do I know you from somewhere?"

I shrug, "You might know me as Markiplier on YouTu-"

She cuts me off this time, "Markiplier? As in, THE Markiplier?"

"Yep," I flash my signature smile, "That's me!"

I can tell she's holding back a great deal of excitement, "Okay, well, it was nice to meet you in person, but, if you'll excuse me, I not only have to get another latte, but I also have to go home and catch up on your videos." She strolls away as if nothing ever happened.

I chuckle. I wonder if I'll see her again. I hope so.

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