Chapter Nine: Tension

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[Candace's POV]
"You're gonna lose, Jack!" Mark yells loudly enough so that I can hear him all the way down the hall.

"Who're ya kidden?" Jack retorts with a laugh, "I'm kickin' your arse!"

I'm tempted to barge in during their Mortal Kombat match and tell them to quiet down, but....well, I'm kinda busy.

I have Mark's laptop out and I'm emailing my mom. I haven't seen her since I was seven years old when my parents got divorced (and I'm twenty two now), but we talk often. In fact, we've been talking since it happened.

Oh, I just got a reply. It reads:
My dear Candace,
I'm glad that you've finally met someone who makes you happy. You say he makes videos on YouTube? Ha, I'll have to look him up. He sounds like a nice person. Do you love him completely? And does he love you for you?

I sigh and reply quickly:
Dear Mom,
Yes, I love him completely. We've made out several times by now. That's also how I can tell he loves me for me, besides the fact that I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me.
-Candy Lee

I get an immediate response:
Oh, Candace...I hope you're making the right decisions with this boy. Just don't go to far. You're too young to have a baby yet.

I feel my cheeks grow hot, not with anger but with a great deal of embarrassment.

I write her back, practically feeling steam coming out my ears:
Mom! I'm not that stupid! He loves me enough to let me make my own decisions within this relationship! I know I'll make the right choice because, whenever I'm unsure of something, I can just ask his opinion. And I know he'll tell me the truth.
-Candy Lee

I start to feel lightheaded with all this emotion swishing through my head.

Mom responds quickly, though:
How do you know, Candy? You can't know for sure that anyone is telling the truth just by asking their opinion! They could be lying straight to your face and you wouldn't even know it!
-a very worried Mother

Ha, worried, my ass. She just wants to push her way through my life, destroying everything in her path!

I shut the laptop maybe a little too hard and set it on the oak end table beside the bed. Tears rush to my eyes, but I try to blink them away. I don't succeed. One falls down my cheek, then another, then another, until I'm bawling like a baby into one of the pillows.

From the other room, I hear the boys pause their game and Mark's footsteps resonate through the hall. I hear him run into the room.

I know he sees me, but it doesn't make it any better. "Are you okay?" He lays down next to me, rubbing my arm up and down, up and down.

I try to form a reply, but my tears get in the way. I just keep crying.

Finally, Mark scoops me up and drops me in his lap. I cry into his shoulder for several minutes, all the while he coos to me, "It's's okay. I'm here. You're alright...."

I feel his racing heartbeat through his shirt. It's beating fast, as if he were in a horror game and not a troubled relationship.

After I've long since lost track of how long I've been crying, Jack walks in yelling, "What the fauck is taking you so gaud damn long?" Then he sees me crying.

Mark shoots him a look, like, Don't you dare say another word.

"You care about me. Mom's wrong. She doesn't know you. She hasn't even seen me since I was seven. Why can't she just leave me alone? What can't she-?" I let it all spill out at once.

"Whoa," Mark stops me, rubbing his thumb acrosst my cheek softly, "Slow down, what about your mom?"

No, it's too much. If Mark finds out about my mom, he might freak out and push me away. I don't know if I could survive that.......

I shake my head, my black hair bouncing into my eyes. Mark brushes it away, "No matter what happens, I'll always love you. You said that to me and you meant it. Now let me do the same."

This makes me smile.

"Thanks," I murmur. A smile rises to his face as he leans down and his lips meet mine. Once our lips part, I glance at Jack. He looks a little embarrassed, like he might make the situation more awkward than it already is.

"Uhhhhh," he slowly raises his arm to point down the hall, "I'm just gonna....walk...away now." He strolls down the hall, out of sight.

"Seriously, though," Mark glances at me, a look of concern in his eyes, "are you okay?"

I nod, trying not to tear up again. He hugs me to his chest, the sweet smell of him wafting around me.

"I love you," Mark whispers into my ear.

"As do I," I reply, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his ear. I don't think I've ever cared for anyone this much.

No...Mom is wrong. Mark and I are perfect for one another. It's fate, or destiny, or whatever you call it.

This is all I'll ever need. Mark's love, forevermore.


Hey guys, I'm sorry the story seems a little weak, I've been running low on ideas. If you've got an idea, please don't hesitate to tell me. I'd appreciate it.
Love ya!

-Faith Magnolia.

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