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personally, it all kind of depends. i don't care much if the teacher gives us homework over the weekend. to be honest for me it all depends on if the teacher tends to make fun of me during class. if she does, well lets just say its not pretty considering in all i went to a bunch of debate classes. 


- if the teacher is "roasting" you in front of the whole class and they laugh at you don't be rude and throw shade just suck it up like a big girl/boy.  

-if the teacher is boring start doing something that will be fun and do it so the teacher doesn't get mad. 

-if the teacher is very snappy, what you want to do is smile and nod ur head. if she snaps say ur sorry and get back to work right away. my point of view don't get on their bad side. 

what is a reason why you dislike ur teacher/s? 




(sorry for not updating but thanks for all the support peeps!) 

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