Lose 2 pounds a week - for reasons

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I wrote this not because i'm telling people they're fat. I'm sharing awareness to this subject cause being overweight makes you at risk to cardiac arrest, diabetes, and the list goes on. This is how to mainain your weight so you don't have to worry about that in the future.

- excersize. Studies show that excersizing 1 hour a day is the requirement to a daily calorie burn.

- drink lots of water. 6-8 glasses of water a day may keep you full longer and also burns calories. Extra bonus: it keeps your skin glowing brighter than a new mercedes benz.

-food portion. When eating, cut your meal portion size in half. Eat healthier foods with more fiber, less calories.

-STAY AWAY! Stay away from sugar drinks, like pops (coke), high in sugar juice, energy drinks, and over drinking smoothies thinking it's ok.

Good luck!

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