SHORT PROLOGUE: The Next Sensation

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POV Sour Sweet
It was just another day at Canterlot High School. Yes I'm transferred to Canterlot High school because one reason. In fact it was because of more reasons. My three best friends Neon Lights, Sugar Belle and Flash Sentry are at this school. And as soon as I was arrived at school I was searching for my friends. Quickly as I am (Not really) I found my friends and join them in their conversation even if I have no idea of what they're talking about.
'Hey where are you talking about?' I asked.
'Do you really wanna know?' Sugar Belle said.
'Of course I wanna know what good things my friends are talking about' I said sweetly. 'Now quick before I lose my patience' I said now sourly.
'We're talking about Neon Lights his new remix of "Wannabe my lover" Flash Sentry said.
'Wait just a minute' I said.
'All right but than you are more curious about it' Flash takes my sarcasm latterly.
'You're such a sweetie' I again talked sweetly. 'Now give me the headlines' I turned talking sourly.
'Headlines of what?' Sugar Belle asked.
'When the next Taco Tuesday is at this school well good. No I was asking about that remix of Neon Lights' I said again with a sarcastically voice.
'I don't know Sour Sweet. It's not already that good as I want that it is. Are you sure you wanna hear it. Because I know how critically you sometimes can be' He said.
'I'm not critically' I shouted at the others.
They look at me if i'm insane. But i'm not. The only thing I want is hearing that song. So I looked at Neon Lights with my cutest face. After a few minutes he finally breaks and gives me the headphones well he was searching on his mobile phone for the remix. When he finally found it. I listen to it. And when I listen to it. I don't know why Neon Lights said it wasn't good. It's a great remix of that monotone ballad. I always loved Neon Lights remixes and as his friend I fully support him to make his dream to become a world famous DJ become true some day. When the song is over I give the headphones back to Neon Lights.
'Well. What do you think about it?' He immediately asked.
'It's a great remix. You are so good at making catchy en enjoyable remixes of boring ballads'
I walk towards him and in a impulse I gave him a hug.
'Why are you doing this?' He asked.
'I don't know. Just need a hug from my good friend Neon Lights' I said.
'You're such a strange kid' Neon Lights said.
'I know' I said. 'But instead of insulting me you can hug me back. You do know how that works. Right?
'I do know and you're lucky we're such good friends because I would never hug a girl I didn't even know' Neon Lights said.
'You talk to much boy. I want to feel you strong arms around my body' I said with a sassy voice.
'All right you wanna hug. Than you get a hug from me' Neon Lights said.
He puts his arms around my body and holds me close to his body. I look upon his eyes who were covered with pitch black shades. Even if we are just friends. A hug from Neon Lights feels like the end. With him and my other friends I sure can face the world.
'This is so cute' Sugar Belle said.
'You're right Sugar Belle?' Flash Said.
'Thanks Flash' Sugar Belle said a little bit blushing
'You're welcome' Flash said.

And That's the Short Prologue. What do you think about it. Let me know in the comments what you thoughts are. And this chapter is for MLP Fanfic writer @kilyablitz

Friendly Greetings and lots of love to my readers.
Sunset Sweet Cameron

Afterwards: This part doesn't have a friendship lesson because it's a prologue and too short for a actually lesson.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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