The E-mail

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Dan's POV:

"I'm gonna fiiiiiiillllllmmmm!" I yell down the hall. "OK! I'll join you later for your live stream. Chris wants to hang out!" Phil's voice echoes through all corners of our flat. "I'll be back in time for dinner! WITH PIZZA!" the slam of the front door rattles the windows. Silly Phil, always so energetic.' I spin myself around in my chair and find myself at the setup that I've become so familiar with. After about six episodes of my Internet Support Group series, I already know what I need. I'm soon rummaging through our alcohol cupboard. I grab a single serving wine bottle in the back. My last one. I really need to get some more. I open the bottle and pour it into a glass. Once I'm back in my room I sit at my desk and open my ' fan mail ' account. I sigh. Man, people have a lot of problems. I gently press the record button on the camera and begin reading the first e-mail. It's from a girl named Alexa. She is asking for advice on being an introvert. As usual, I give a witty, and slightly sarcastic, answer but I still want her to know that I care so I close off with a serious answer on the same topic. After the fourth or fifth question, my wine is gone. Slightly intoxicated, I open the last email for the video.
Hi Dan,
I want to ask my best friend out on a date, but, I don't quite know if he'll want to. Any advice? <3
I read the email a few more times trying to make sure I'm not just too drunk to ubserstand. It's real. I feel completely dumbfounded. If my glass was in my hand right now, I probably would have dropped it. I quickly scroll up to the top of the web page, expecting it to be a prank by some fan or a horrifyingly specific coincedence. To my surprise, Phil's personal email address is scrolling across the top. My Phil.

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