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Dan's Pov

'I can't believe Phil actually wrote that! What was he thinking! Does this mean h-he likes me?' I've been laying on my bed having another one of my signature existential crisises. 'Oh, the Phans will love this one!' I get up and check the clock. It's 5, so Phil will be back in like 4 hours for my live stream. L guess I have to figure out what to do when he gets here. 'What if it was just a prank? Would he do that to me?' I head down the hall and into the living area. I get to my favorite nook in the corner of Phil and I's sofa and assume my browsing position. Tumblr  usually calms my nerves so I pull out my laptop and open it on a new tab. I scroll down through my feed, seeing Halloween pictures and the skeleton song, but with one last scroll I come across the Phan blog I followed last night. I click on their profile picture. The screen fills with a giant pic of Phil and I. It's a screenshot from our last PINOF. I was looking at him lovingly. I've found myself doing that a bit more than I should lately. I looked as if I was studying every curve, every angle, of his face. Phil was looking at the camera, smiling his bright sunshiny smile, like I didn't even exist. I love that smile. I snap out of my daydreams. With all the feelings I've been having, I somehow started crying. 'Ugh, I'm a disaster.' I shut my laptop quickly and wipe my face. I ow have 3 hours till my livestream. I might as well sleep this off and figure something out later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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